exposing the dark side of adoption
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abuse case
The assumption behind child-placement is that the safety and living conditions of a child improve. These cases demonstrate that this assumption is often invalid.
child trafficking case
There is often a fine line between adoption and child trafficking. In many cases this line is being crossed.
coerced adoption case
Adoption is assumed to be the result of a choice made by the parents of the child. These cases demonstrate women are pressured to give up their children.
deportation case
Adoptions before 1997, didn't automatically lead to naturalization. As result, people adopted from outside the outside US that ran into problems with the justice system face deportation to their country of birth.
disrupted placement case
Although the adoptive family is called the "forever family" by the adoption industry, adoptions can end in disruption. These cases demonstrate that the "forever family" is sometimes only temporary
father's rights violation case
Adoption requires the consent of both biological parents. These cases demonstrate that the rights of fathers in adoption cases are being violated.
wrongful medication case
Children in foster care can have serious mental health issues. Too often these children are given large doses of psychotropic medications, just to keep them quiet.
wrongful removal case
The removal of children from their family's should always be a last resort. These cases demonstrate that Child Protective Services sometimes remove children for all the wrong reasons

Amber King

abuse case
2002 Jan 1
12 year old girl adopted by Sandra Parker was brutalized kept chained and starving in the basement. She was also abused by 2 older, also-adopted, siblings. All 3 were special needs children.
abuse case
2002 Jan 1

Nikolina, adopted from Bulgaria in 1993 at age 4, was sexually abused by her adoptive father, (John Harold Kuchler aka John J Kuchler Jr. aka Justin M. Smith), with the assistance of her adoptive mother, (Janis Kuchler).
The abuse started when she was 10 and continued about 3 years until 2002 when she was removed from their care.
On April 20, 2012, she killed herself by swallowing an item handed to her by a careless nurse in a State Hospital.

Jacob Lindorff

abuse case
2001 Dec 14
5-year-old boy adopted from Russia by James and Heather Lindorff, died of blunt force trauma to head. He also suffered from 2nd degree burns on feet, hemorrhaging in 1 eye; bruises, and seizures. Heather Lindorff was found guilty of 2nd degree endangering, aggravated assault and sentenced to 6 years, she claimed the injuries were accidents. James Lindorff was sentenced to 4 years probation and 400 hours of community service for child abuse. Jacob had only been in the US 6 weeks before he died. Jacob was adopted with his two brothers from Pskov, Russia in Oct 2001. Lindorffs had adopted 3 sisters from Russia in early 2000.
child trafficking case
2001 Dec 7
Sea Visoth Sea Visoth
Chanthea Chea was solicited to give up her baby, she allowed him to be taken for a medical exam, but he was not returned, and she was coerced into signing papers to relinquish him to an orphanage, but not for adoption. The next day she tried to re-take custody of her child, and was denied. The child was found in custody of KAOA with false paperwork, and was in the final stages of being issued an adoption visa.

2 more women were were solicited to surrender their children to an "organization for widows and orphans". All 3 women were given passport style photos when they asked for information about their children. Courts awarded custody of the children to the mothers.
abuse case
2001 Dec 4
12-year-old girls was sexually abused by her adoptive father. She was adopted with her three brothers by James and his wife, who home-schooled the children.
abuse case
2001 Nov 30
One-and-a-half-year-old Luke Evans, adopted by Steven and Natalie Fabian Evans, died of massive head injuries, shaken baby syndrome, and poor nutrition. Natalie Fabian Evans, stated that she couldn't wake Luke one morning and so placed him in a tub of water to "stimulate him" where she says he may have bumped his head on the tub. The authorities took a year to investigate the case.  Luke was adopted from Inozemtsevo, Stavropol, Russia and had been in the US for 6 months prior to his death. Luke had a brother Alec 3, who was adopted at the same time as him.
On June 30, 2006 Natalie Fabian Evans was found not guilty.
abuse case
2001 Nov 1
Thomas and Susan Denny adopted an 8 year girl J.D.  from foster care. After 4 years of struggles, they placed her at the Masonic Home for Children to provide the structured environment a therapist recommended. She was there 7 months. While at the Masonic Home, the girl met James Matthew McDaniel-Webb, an volunteer and benefactor of the home. On several occasions, McDaniel-Webb was allowed by the orphanage to take her on unsupervised visits to his home.

In Aug 2001, she entered McDaniel-Webb's custody.

In late Aug 2001, DHS visited his home to investigate after a physician said McDaniel-Webb inquired about castration to stop the inappropriate thoughts he had about minors. The case was closed as "unfounded" in Jan 2002.

In Nov the courts approved the custody arrangement. For close to 2 years, he sexually abused her and took pornographic photos of her. He was arrested on charges of statutory rape and child pornography.

Webb is in federal prison serving a sentence related to Internet pornography. Then he will begin a state sentence for sexually abusing the girl over the two years she lived with him.
child trafficking case
2001 Sep 14
Serey Puth ran Asian Orphans Association orphanage as well as several 'clinics'. He claimed the children in his orphanage were 'abandoned' in local villages.  However, several mothers accused the organization of offering them money for their children,  taking their babies, and/or refusing to return their children after temporary care. After a raid, some children were determined to belong to local women and were returned.
abuse case
2001 Sep 11

11-year-old boy, one of 5 adopted by a couple from Colorado Springs, was forced to spend days and nights in a small room beneath stairs with only a wool blanket and bucket in which to relieve himself.  When he wasn't confined to that space, he was forced to masturbate in front of siblings, do calisthenics in the nude, wear a dog shock collar, and he was forced to eat his meals on the floor while the rest of the family dined at the table.

On good days, the adopted boy lived in a sparse basement day room, kept separate from the rest of the family.

According to the adoptive mother, she followed suggested therapies for his attachment disorder, such as employing reverse psychology and making him earn his meals and play time through good behavior.

She said one unlicensed therapist, Deborah Hage of Silverthorne, told her to put the boy in the space beneath the stairs when he was bad.

Hage wouldn't comment on the case and said she was "never the family therapist."

Prosecutors didn't seek felony convictions in this case because they could not prove the child suffered serious physical injury.

abuse case
2001 Sep 1
20 children adopted by Gainesville, Fl woman were beaten with sticks, pipes, belts, extension cords and paddles during more than 10 years of abuse.