exposing the dark side of adoption
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2012 Oct 22
Logan Garrett

22 month old boy Logan Edward Garrett was adopted along with his twin sister by Jacky Scott Garrett and Emily Garrett. Logan died of blunt force trauma to his abdomen, about 7 months after placement, 1 week after adoption. He had many prior injuries. His sister was underweight and removed from the home. Adoptive father Scott Garrett was charged with capital murder.
2012 Oct 19
4 girls adopted by a Hickory Hill (Memphis) Tennessee family were raped by their adoptive father over 12 years. Their adoptive mother was aware of at least one incident and did nothing.

The father is charged with 14 crimes including rape and rape of a child. The mother is charged with trying to obstruct the report.
2012 Oct 13
10-year-old twins, a boy and a girl, and their 8-year-old brother, adopted by Tim and Iliana Archuleta, were tortured, imprisoned, and starved by their adoptive mother, Iliana Archuleta, and her brother-in-law Rogelio Archuleta. The adoptive father knew about the abuse but did nothing to stop it
2012 Oct 12
Seven children, under the age of 11, adopted by Gregory Bernard Lacy and LaQuron D. McLean Lacy were sexually and physically abused by their adoptive parents.

The Lacy's had an in-house strip club where parties were held in the children's presence. The children were hit with fists, belts, hangers and metal objects and one of the girls was molested by her adoptive father.
2012 Sep 28
5-year-old girl adopted by Rajesh Sengar and Bebi Sengar was killed by her adoptive parents. Post mortem reports revealed the girl was sexually assaulted too.
2012 Sep 14

A 6-year-old boy and an 18-month-old girl, adopted from Ethiopia by Douglas and Kristen Barbour, were severely maltreated by their adoptive parents. The boy was malnourished and had skin lesions and the girl had signs of multiple skull fractures (abusive head trauma)  which caused her to be blind in one eye and partially paralyzed.
2012 Aug 13
A girl was sexually abused by her adopted father over 5 years. Jonathan Brett Outlaw is charged with 2 counts of sexual battery by a parent or custodian.
2012 Aug 1

2 adopted children and one step child were allegedly sexually abused by their father, Jean Paul Kruse, a Major in the Ohio National Guard. There were 5 bio/step children in the home and 6 adopted children. Three of the children were adopted in Liberia in 2008 and one in Vietnam in 2007. The final 2 children were adopted (or in guardianship) from disrupted international adoptions (Haiti and DRC).
Jean Paul Kruse was charged with 17 felony counts of rape, sexual battery, gross sexual imposition, and intimidation.
Emily Kruse was charged with intimidation and obstruction of justice. Five of the children have been returned to her care.
2012 Jul 19
8-year-old boy adopted from Tula, Russia in June 2006 at age 3 was systematically abused by his adoptive mother. His adoptive parents, Navy Lieutenant Commander Matthew Sweeney and Amy Sweeney, had 5 bio children and Daniel. All 6 children were homeschooled. Daniel Alexander was beaten with a belt and electric cord. According to Russian sources, prior to the adoption, Daniel lost an eye due to abuse while in his biological mother's home in Russia.

For ignoring the abuse, Matthew Sweeney pleaded guilty to contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and received a suspended sentence of 60 days. Amy Sweeney, pleaded guilty to felony abuse and neglect. Her sentencing will be in Dec 2013

Matt Sandusky

2012 Jun 26
Matt was adopted by Jerry and Dorothy Sandusky, and was sexually abused by his adoptive father.