exposing the dark side of adoption
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2011 Sep 19
10-year-old girl adopted from foster care by a New York City woman, was systematically tortured and had food withheld by Mary E. Mazalic. For about a year. Mary was the live-in girlfriend of the girl's 43-year-old adoptive brother, Derron P. Alexis. The adoptive mother, Genevieve Alexis, who continued to collect adoption subsidies for her care, sent the girl to live with her son and Mazalic in Washington State after she objected to a NY school district placing the girl in special education classes.

The girl was beaten with extension cords, belts, wooden spoons, and wire. She was burned with cigarettes, held underwater, threatened with a knife and a gun. She was starved, had water restricted and was not given her prescription medicine. She missed 36 days of school. The then 10-year-old weighed 51 lbs when she was removed from Mary's "care". She gained 13 lbs in her 2 week hospital stay and 20lbs since being removed from the home.

In 2009, a 16 year old in care of Mazalic and Derron reported to CPS that he was abused.

Mazalic was sentenced to 30 years jail for first-degree assault of child, criminal mistreatment and witness tampering.
D. Alexis has been charged first-degree criminal mistreatment for beating her, withholding food and medication. He will face court in 2013.
2011 Sep 9
Boy of 7 was sexually abused by his adoptive father continuously until he was 13 years old in the late 1970s and 1980s. Adopted father Joseph L. Hunt was a police officer, scout leader, and coach. Hunt admitted to the abuse, pled guilt and was sentenced to 41 months in jail. Joe Hunt was married and there were at least 2 other girl children in the home.
2011 Aug 3
Six children (four of whom from Russia, and 2 of whom are from Guatemala) adopted by Martin and Kathleen O'Brien were allegedly abused by their adoptive parents.The Russian children were bio siblings adopted in 2004 at approximately ages 5-11. Some of the children were homeschooled.

The O'Briens are charged with:
  • Stripping the children naked as part of punishment.
  • Dragging the children by their arms while the children were naked.
  • Kicking the children in the groin.
  • Spraying the children in the face and on the neck and chest with pepper spray.
  • Bending a child’s arm into a “compliance-type” arm bar.
  • Hitting the children with a stick.
  • Slapping the children in the face.
  • Stabbing one child in the hand with a knife.
  • Grabbing children by the throat and lifting them off the ground.
  • Striking children in the groin with a knee.
  • Picking one child off the floor by an ear causing the ear to tear and bleed.
  • Striking children with a ruler.
  • Placing one child in a “bin” while Martin O’Brien struck the outside of the bin with a log.
  • Striking one child in the chest with a flashlight
  • Forcing the adopted children to eat frozen loaves of bread off the floor before bedtime while the biological children watched.
  • Forcing the children to stand naked in the snow three to four times a year.
  • Locking the children in a bedroom for four to five days at a time.
  • Beating the children with a belt.
  • Choking one child because of a prayer he said
2011 Aug 2
6-year-old girl adopted by her aunt Regina Marquez was physically abused and locked up in her room by her aunt/mother and her aunt/mother's live-in girl friend, Deanna Martinez. The girl had a broken and now deformed arm, three broken fingers and several old fractures that had not healed well.
2011 Jul 22
Children adopted by Elisha and Cheryl Christopher were allegedly suffocated and forced to jump off a roof. One of the children was allegedly locked into a dog cage.
2011 Jul 14
16-year-old boy adopted by Ronald and Tammy White was forced by his adoptive father to drink a gallon of water, causing his organs to shut down. The boy was regularly beaten and locked in a room without access to a bathroom.
2011 Jul 6

2 girls adopted by Verna A. Kennerson were allegedly abused by their adoptive mother. The girls were allegedly denied food, were allegedly whipped on their legs until they bled, and one of the girls was struck in the face with a wooden object, chipping her tooth.

In addition, it's alleged while attenting school, the two girls had to wear a piece of paper stapled to the back of their clothing which read, "We work as a team, we lie and steal."

Verna Kennerson passed away a few months after her arrest.

2011 Jul 5
A boy and a girl, adopted by Heidi L. Robinson, were choked to the point where he couldn’t breathe.
2011 Jun 30
Scott and Drew Anne Hamrick adopted five girls from foster care while having three sons of their own. Four of the girls were sexually abused by their adoptive father, while three were physically abused by their adoptive mother. The girls were locked up and starved. The adoptive mother knew about the sexual abuse, but did nothing in response.

Scott Hamrick committed suicide soon after investigations started. Drew Anne pleaded guilty to witness tampering.
2011 Jun 18
Andrew Arthur Butler
13 year old boy adopted from Donetsk Ukraine in 2003 with 2 biological siblings, was shot and killed by his adoptive father William Alan Butler while target shooting with handguns in their backyard. Mr. Butler said he was shot at while his back was turned so he turned and shot back. Seventy-three year old William Butler pleaded guilty to child neglect resulting in death and was sentenced to 3-15 years.