exposing the dark side of adoption
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2013 Jul 15
Three children adopted by Phillip and Kimberly Loesch in 2008 were deprived of food and were harshly disciplined. Physical beatings consisted of strikes to the hands, head and buttocks with leather "spanking sticks" to the extent the children's hands were swollen and not able to be closed, the affidavit alleges.

The chidlren were also required to put their hands in cold buckets of water as punishment too, or to limit the swelling from the assaults. Using the bathroom was allegedly allowed only with the parents' permission, which sometimes forced the children to have to relieve themselves in their rooms.

One boy was allegedly required to wear a cardboard box on his head to limit his looking around as a punishment to keep him from socializing. The children also slept on the floor for several months with no mattress, pillows, sheets or covers, according to the court records.
2013 Jul 12
A 4 year old boy adopted from Ethiopia by Rachel Hatfield Tipton and Pediatrician Dr. Jimmy Tipton was allegedly beaten in the genitals with a wooden spoon by his adoptive mother. She has been charged with criminal abuse.

In March 2015, Rachel Tipton was cleared of all charges.
2013 Jul 10
3 children internationally adopted by Melissa and Matthew Dumont were allegedly physically, emotionally, and sexually abused. The children are now aged 17 (girl from China), 14 (boy from Thailand), and 13 (girl from China) and were adopted separately. The older 2 have autism and other special needs.
2013 Jun 21
Five year old boy Faisal died six months after leaving the orphanage in the guardianship of a 33 year old married Saudi Man. The boy was beaten and burned due to incontinence issues. Within a week of placement, Faisal came back to the orphanage and begged to be allowed to return.
He died in the hospital from a brain hemorrhage shortly after being admitted with head trauma, internal injuries and burns. This is a probably kafalah guardianship - the articles list both adoption and fostering.
2013 Jun 14
A 15-year-old boy (adopted 2005) and a 13-year-old girl (adopted 2006) adopted by Erin and Jennifer Pickel were physically abused by their adopters and locked in a backyard playhouse for days at a time. Three other children (one over 18) in the home were apparently unharmed. Erin James Pickel is a US Air Force major stationed at Seymour Johnson Airbase, Goldsboro, NC.
2013 May 1
Two children adopted by Janelle Gertsch were systematically abused by their adoptive mother and her live-in boy friend Larry Einspahr Jr.
2013 Apr 28
16-year-old girl in the United Kingdom was forced by adoptive mother to get pregnant through artificial insemination. The divorced adoptive mother wanted to adopt another (4th) child, but wasn't approved. She then resorted to forcing her adopted daughter to get pregnant. The exploitation started when the girl was 14. The older 2 girls were adopted from country x by the US born woman (but permanent UK resident) and her Irish husband. The third girl was adopted after the divorce from 'country y' later identified as Kazakhstan.
2013 Apr 19
2 girls aged 3 and 4, adopted as infants in Nigeria by Onyeka Lucy Asonye, (a US citizen born in Nigeria) were beaten with sticks and other items. Both girls had bruises and internal injuries (blunt abdominal injury).
2013 Apr 11
Two girls adopted by a couple in the foothills of Dartmoor were sexually abused by their adoptive father. He was sentenced for 16 years.
2013 Apr 4
7-year-old girl adopted by Terri and Pamela Dennis died after having been unresponsive for over eight hours. Her death was caused by blunt force trauma.

The girl had been adopted 5 months prior to her death.