exposing the dark side of adoption
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2008 May 22
Vietnamese and Cambodian infants, mainly boys, trafficked into China through Mong Cai in Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam which borders China.
2008 May 1
Amado Torres, of Harlingen, Texas, and Maria Isabel Hernandez, of Mexico recruited Mexican women to give birth in the U.S. and sell their babies to couples there.
2008 Mar 9
Elizabeth Rioba thought she was providing her son a foreign education in a boarding situation but instead was signing adoption papers. There is no word for adoption in Swahili. Families in Kenya often send children to live with richer relatives for education; children return at holidays.
2008 Jan 21
Alvaro Daniel Suruy, newborn, was stolen from his mother Maria Suruy on January 21. 2008 in Guatemala city. Maria had been offered a job by Rosalinda Rivera. Thought to be stolen by Rosalinda Rivera, but was not at the crib house at the raid. - Status unknown, probably adopted abroad. Born Jan 08
2008 Jan 21
Gerson Cante was stolen from his mother Luz Maribel Hernández Canté, false paperwork was created. He was adopted and left Guatemala in Jan 2008. Facilitators listed are individuals and organizations in Guatemala who played a role.
2008 Jan 20
  Athanasios Kollias banned by the US Embassy  in 2005 from processing adoptions is still facilitating, including placing children who were stolen from their families. Kollias has several aliases Athanase Thomas Collias, Athanasis Thomas, Thomas Collias, as well as Thanassis and Teo.
See Also - Candida, Claudia, Enma Galacia case
2008 Jan 20
Three sisters stolen from their family, were split up, provided with fake birth certificates listing new names and younger ages. Two of the girls (Candida, Claudia) were located and reunited prior to adoption. The third girl Enma is still missing, probably adopted abroad. She would have been 8 in Dec 07, but would have been likely stated to be 4 to 6 years old.
2008 Jan 1

Maternity homes which keep pregnant girls, and in some cases have girls impregnanted, for the purpose of adoption. Childless couples in Nigeria purchase the babies.