exposing the dark side of adoption
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1999 Jan 1
China has extensive child trafficking problems. Young children are stolen, boys often for heirs, and girls for daughter in laws or adoption. Older children can end up as laborers or in the sex trade. Young children are sold for $3-4,000. Police do not often investigate, even when there is video evidence of the abduction.
At least two orphanages admit they buy children and claim it is legal. It is reasonable to assume that there are more orphanages buying children from the trafficking networks.
Babies are trafficked from Myanmar to China for adoption.

See also: Cambodian and Vietnamese infants trafficked to China
1998 Nov 1
Lakshmi placed her daughters temporarily in an orphanage so they could get and education. The girls names and ages were changed and they were adopted by a US family.
1998 Feb 13

In October 1997, Iris left her child with a neighbor while she went to the hospital for a period of time. When she returned, she found her daughter had been taken by the neighbor to the minor's court. On Feb 13, 1998, Judge Aida Marisuya de De Leon ruled the child was abandoned and placed Marlen in Susana Luarca's "Los Ninos de Guatemala" orphanage. The orphanage immediately referred Marlen for placement with a US adoptive family. After several court battles, Marlen was returned to Iris on .Feb 17,1999, 9 months after the order for her return, and over a year after she was taken.
1998 Jan 1
  Chart from research by Robi & Matsumura

Parents in Marshall Islands, not understanding what adoption means in the West, were coerced or tricked into relinquishing children. In RMI, adoptions are informal affairs within a family. RMI informal adoptions do not sever the link between the child and the bio parents, but rather create a link between the caregiving family and the bio family.
1998 Jan 1
Vietnam - misc trafficking articles
1998 Jan 1
Vu Tien Manh and 11 others were sentenced for buying 170 babies from families in northern provinces for international adoption. This occurred from 1992 to 1998. Adoptive parents were told that the children had been abandoned by their mothers.
1997 Aug 13
Elivia Ramírez Caño's son was stolen moments after his birth August 13, 1997, in a Guatemala City hospital. The nurses took him away, saying he had been adopted.
1997 Aug 6

In 1997, 6 year old Osmín Ricardo Amílcar Tobar Ramírez and his infant half-brother Jeffrey Rainiery Arias Ramírez were removed from their mother's home due to allegations of  abuse made by an associate of an adoption attorney. There was no formal investigation of whether there was abuse, and the children were placed in the adoption attorney's orphanage (Asociacion los Ninos de Guatemala).

Ricardo and Jeffery's mother, Flor de Maria Ramirez, denied that she was ever abusive or neglectful, and she fought for custody of the boys. Ricardo's father, Gustavo Amilcar Tobar Fajardo, was not notified that the boys were removed from the home.

Nonetheless, the adoption attorney  Susana Luarca, (who also owned the orphanage), and judge, Aida Marizuya Rabasso, who worked regularly together, deprived Flor of custody, refused to place the boys with other willing family members, and found new, separate US adoptive homes for both boys.

When Ricardo's father learned the boys had been removed from the home and adopted, he began a fight to regain custody. After Gustavo complained that Susana Luarca had placed his son illegally, he was attacked by two men with machetes who cut him on his hands, arms, and face. The men said he should stop talking.

To this day, Gustavo Tobar is working with Casa Alianza to have the adoption reversed. Ricardo was adopted by a Pennsylvania family, Jeffrey was adopted by an Illinois family but may be in Houston TX.
1997 Jan 1

Susana Luarca

Susana Maria Luarca Saracho, known by various names, has been trafficking stolen and coerced children since 1997.

1997 Jan 1
Flor de María Soto Hernández, a year and a half old, was stolen in Ciudad Hidalgo, Mexico, moved to Guatemala and given as a referral to a Canadian couple. The child was located and the adoption proceedings stopped after the DNA test failed