exposing the dark side of adoption
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1997 Jan 1

In 1997, Kim Sophoan, a widow, visited Phnom Penh with her 2 daughters Srey Lieu and Srey Mon, then aged 9 and 12. Her 'friend' Chhim Naly convinced her to leave the two girls with her so that they could go to school. Normally, Sophoan had to leave her children alone while she worked. No paperwork was signed. Ten days later, Kim Sophoan returned to Phnom Penh and learned her daughters had been adopted by a US family. Their names had been changed on the Cambodian paperwork.

1997 Jan 1
Misc adoption trafficking articles
1996 Jan 1
  Two women facilitate illegal Mexican adoptions along with lawyer Mario Manuel Reyes Burgueno (aka Mario Reyes). Reyes paid Mexican mothers for the children, paid other women to pose as mothers to obtain birth certificates, hired professional smugglers to bring the babies to the US without immigration and adoption paperwork, and falsified documents.
1996 Jan 1
Many children of villagers disappeared during the 36 year Civil War. Some were adopted within Guatemala, at least one child, a girl adopted in 1982, was adopted by a US family. At least 2 children from the massacre at Dos Erres in 1982 were raised by Guatemalan soldiers.
1996 Jan 1
Juan Varela is connected to a UK family via Lya Sorana who is banned from adoptions in GA and FL, and practicing without a license in SC. There were discrepancies in the boy's paperwork, and the UK family left Guatemala without the child. See also Lya Sorano's previous trafficking in El Salvador with Children's Service's International
1995 Jan 1

A Baby brokering ring operating in An Giang province  from 1995 - 1997 headed by Le Quoc Binh worked with an obstetrics center, the local orphanage and the birth registrar to sell children for international adoption.

1995 Jan 1
Lakshmi Solanki - Priyanka's mother 
Lakshmi Solanki, Priyanka's mother    Lakshmi Parveen, Fathima's mother

Misc child trafficking and stolen children case
1995 Jan 1
1995 Jan 1
Chen Qifu and his extended family, are accused of stealing primarily male children from Guizhou province and selling them for up to $1,200 each to families in the relatively affluent Guangdong province. Boys for family heirs and girls as brides. Possibly also to orphanages for international adoption.
1994 Nov 23
Misc adoption trafficking articles