exposing the dark side of adoption
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abuse case
The assumption behind child-placement is that the safety and living conditions of a child improve. These cases demonstrate that this assumption is often invalid.
child trafficking case
There is often a fine line between adoption and child trafficking. In many cases this line is being crossed.
coerced adoption case
Adoption is assumed to be the result of a choice made by the parents of the child. These cases demonstrate women are pressured to give up their children.
deportation case
Adoptions before 1997, didn't automatically lead to naturalization. As result, people adopted from outside the outside US that ran into problems with the justice system face deportation to their country of birth.
disrupted placement case
Although the adoptive family is called the "forever family" by the adoption industry, adoptions can end in disruption. These cases demonstrate that the "forever family" is sometimes only temporary
father's rights violation case
Adoption requires the consent of both biological parents. These cases demonstrate that the rights of fathers in adoption cases are being violated.
wrongful medication case
Children in foster care can have serious mental health issues. Too often these children are given large doses of psychotropic medications, just to keep them quiet.
wrongful removal case
The removal of children from their family's should always be a last resort. These cases demonstrate that Child Protective Services sometimes remove children for all the wrong reasons

Angel Martin

abuse case
1997 Nov 16
4-year-old girl adopted by Mary Perkins was allegedly beaten to death by her adoptive mother. There were also signs Angel had been sexually abused. Angel Martin was adopted six months prior to her death.
abuse case
1997 Nov 1
Christopher Allen Tucker and Rebecca Lynn Tucker first adopted Danielle, who at the age of four was pushed down the stairs by her adoptive mother, in their house in Coldwater, Michigan in December 8, 1995. At the time it was ruled an accident. Danielle was born with spina bifida and Down's Syndrome. Despite what had happened, the Tuckers were allowed to adopt two of Danielle's sisters a month after her death.

Soon afterwards, the Tuckers moved to Trenton, Utah after complaints had been made about abuse the of Brittany, one of Danielle's sisters.

In November 1997 authorities found Brittany, 6-year-old at the time, starving in a locked basement room. The basement room was furnished only with bare metal bedsprings, a wooden spool, and a metal tub containing dirty brown water, which the girl drank from and bathed in. She had been in there for at least 5 months.

Rebecca Tucker received a sentence of 5 year imprisonment for the abuse of Brittany and 8 to 15 years for the killing of Danielle. She is currently imprisoned Michigan. Chris Tucker received a sentence of 1 to 15 year imprisonment.

All 3 girls suffered from fetal alcohol syndrome. Two biological boys and the 3rd girl where apparently unhurt.
abuse case
1997 Oct 21
Three year old girl from Tegucigalpa Honduras, adopted by Nancy Jane Montalbano on Oct. 28, 1996. Almost a year later she was beaten to death by Nancy after she knocked over the potty. Christine has 28 blunt force injuries including a lacerated liver and brain hemorrhage. Nancy also had a 4 year old son, Richard, adopted previously from Honduras.
At the time of the girl's death, Nancy was living with a common-law husband, who was not charged in the case.
coerced adoption case
1997 Sep 1
The mother of a 5-month-old with severe medical problems was thinking of putting her daughter, Gabrielle, up for adoption. Mostly, though, she wanted to talk to a counselor. She contacted Adoptions by Choice which immediately made her sign consent forms and made her handed over her child. When Bowman returned hours later to retrieve Gabrielle, whom she says she never really wanted to give up, adoption officials told her it was too late. Seven days later, ABC returned the child to Bowman.

Darcy Akers Ball

coerced adoption case
1997 Sep 1
23-year-old woman in the middle of separation was continually contacted by her pastor to give up her children. At the request of her husband the pastor contacted Tampa lawyer, Gregory Boyer, who misled Darcy Akers Ball and made her sign adoption papers in his van in her driveway to relinquish all three of her children. He didn't explain Ball's rights, didn't give her time to read the papers and didn't ask if she was sure about her decision.
child trafficking case
1997 Aug 13
Elivia Ramírez Caño's son was stolen moments after his birth August 13, 1997, in a Guatemala City hospital. The nurses took him away, saying he had been adopted.
child trafficking case
1997 Aug 6

In 1997, 6 year old Osmín Ricardo Amílcar Tobar Ramírez and his infant half-brother Jeffrey Rainiery Arias Ramírez were removed from their mother's home due to allegations of  abuse made by an associate of an adoption attorney. There was no formal investigation of whether there was abuse, and the children were placed in the adoption attorney's orphanage (Asociacion los Ninos de Guatemala).

Ricardo and Jeffery's mother, Flor de Maria Ramirez, denied that she was ever abusive or neglectful, and she fought for custody of the boys. Ricardo's father, Gustavo Amilcar Tobar Fajardo, was not notified that the boys were removed from the home.

Nonetheless, the adoption attorney  Susana Luarca, (who also owned the orphanage), and judge, Aida Marizuya Rabasso, who worked regularly together, deprived Flor of custody, refused to place the boys with other willing family members, and found new, separate US adoptive homes for both boys.

When Ricardo's father learned the boys had been removed from the home and adopted, he began a fight to regain custody. After Gustavo complained that Susana Luarca had placed his son illegally, he was attacked by two men with machetes who cut him on his hands, arms, and face. The men said he should stop talking.

To this day, Gustavo Tobar is working with Casa Alianza to have the adoption reversed. Ricardo was adopted by a Pennsylvania family, Jeffrey was adopted by an Illinois family but may be in Houston TX.
abuse case
1997 Jul 4

July 4, 1997, paramedics went to the North Carolina home of 45 year-old Eddiesenior Jones McLauchlin and found 4-year-old, adoptee, Cory Bradley McLauchlin, severely beaten. He was pronounced brain-dead at the hospital not long before he was taken off life support. Both of his hands and one foot were burned. There were bruises on his back, stomach, legs, and a lump on his forehead. Mrs. McLauchlin's husband was deployed by the military at the time.

abuse case
1997 Jul 3
Adoptive parents were found guilty of abusing 2 Russian children they adopted in Voronezh, Russia, on the plane ride on the way home from Moscow. The girls were returned to live with Karen and Richard Thorne of Phoenix. The Queens Family Court Judge ordered that the Thornes would be subject to unannounced visits by Arizona Child Welfare authorities and undergo psychological evaluation as a condition of regaining custody.

Adam Carrigan

deportation case
1997 May 11
20 year old Adam Carrigan faced deportation

Status: Unknown, believed to be in the USA