exposing the dark side of adoption
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1985 Jan 1
A boy adopted at age 10 from California in 1983 by Jay Ram (aka Gary Winnick) was later sexually, physically and psychologically abused while living on the Big Island. The boy was isolated on a farm and required to work. Ram had at least 6 boys (5 adopted and 1 foster) in 1993. He also had 3 adult sons, unclear of bio/adopted status.
Tehama County California had investigated physical abuse allegations in mid 1980's. A visiting boy reported sexual abuse in 1992.
Jay Ram worked for the Tropical Rural and Island/Atoll Development Experiment Station (TRIADES) and later Agrinom. He is believed to have moved to Saipan., and in 2013 is believed to be somewhere in Africa. He was located in Odessa Florida living under the name Jay Mizraha along with 3 boys or young men.
1985 Jan 1
A boy adopted from Vietnam was sexually abused by his adopted sister from India. The girl had been sexually abused prior to her adoption. The Bauers had 14 internationally adopted children.

Nilanthie Perera

1985 Jan 1
13-year-old girl adopted from Sri Lanka by Samson and Dammika Perera, was murdered by her adoptive father. Parts of the Nilanthie's body were hidden under the floorboards; others were secreted in pot plants and a coffee jar. Samson Perera was given a life sentence, while Dammika Perera was jailed for helping him cover up the crime.

Carlos Beltran

1984 Dec 19
4 year old boy from El Salvador, died of beatings to the head, stomach, arms and legs. He had been in the US for 8 months, and his adoption had not yet been finalized in the US.

Christine Moyer had beaten the child until her hand turned black and blue. She began using a belt to protect her hand and its buckle wraped around the boy's body, striking him in the stomach. The child was found dead by Peter Moyer. Since he did not take Carlos to the doctor after seeing that he was seriously ill, he was charged with involuntary manslaughter. Most of the abuse was probably inflicted by Christine.

Peter Moyer, 34, pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter and was sentenced to 2 1/2 to five years. His wife, Christine Moyer, 36, pleaded guilty to endangering the welfare of children and was placed on two years' probation. Moyers had 4 & 2 yr old bio daughters that they retained custody of.


1984 Jan 1
circa 1983
12 year old blind girl adopted from Guatemala as an infant was sexually abused by an adopted sibling from Costa Rica. He was sentenced in to six months in a juvenile institution for taking indecent liberties with the girl. Charges of sexual abuse by her father Theadore E. Ripley were dropped.  Ripley's 30-year-old adopted German-born son, Kori, was charged with sexually assaulting the same girl in 1984,  unknown outcome.  The Ripley's adopted 18 children from Asia, Latin America, Germany, and the US.

Merrily Ripley operates a non-profit adoption agency, Adoption Advocates International. The children would have been primarily adopted through Holt prior to the founding of WACAP's Adoption Services in 1976 (which Ted and Merrily helped found and worked for from 1976 to 1983) or through WACAP. She founded AAI in 1983 and it appears the family was complete at that time.

Vanessa Pearce

1984 Jan 1

Vanessa Pearce born in India, stolen as a 4 year old, was adopted by a Canadian family at age 8 in 1978. She was sexually abused by her adoptive father. At age 14 she was removed from the family. She was later sexually abused in foster homes.
See also The horrifying story of Vanessa Pearce
1983 Nov 5
8-year-old girl adopted from the Dominican Republic by Laurence Jacobsen was sexually abused. Jacobsen, a school teacher,  was at the time also accused of molesting at least five other girls and a boy.
1983 Nov 1
13 to 15 year old boy adopted in Colombia by Howard and Marjorie Munson 1.5 years earlier, was punished by being placed in a cage for 6 weeks to 3 months.
1983 Nov 1
12 year old boy brought from the Dominican Republic in 1983 was sexually abused by Stephen Pratt. the adoption was finalized in the US in 1986. Investigators also found evidence of child pornography in the home. Outcome of the case is unknown.

"Infant Charlie"

1983 Jan 1
14-month-old boy about to be adopted by Richard and Ellen Pluckhorn, suffered a fractured skull, sprained elbow, fractured scapula and severed bowel. The injury to the bowel nearly killed him, and ultimately caused brain damage and blindness.