exposing the dark side of adoption
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2003 Sep 14
3-month-old girl in foster care with Sabrina Stafford died of neglect. Her twin sister Tiffany had barbiturates in her system. Angelic's death was called accidental, although there had been previous complaints against Sabrina Stafford.

Several year later Sabrina Stafford, then going by the name Sabrina Banks, would adopt Lavender Banks, who died from asphyxia and several blunt force injuries. Sabrina Banks was arrested for murder August 5, 2009.
2003 Aug 26

Scott Francis, a 41-year-old Northville, MI man, lived with his two adopted children despite a plea agreement that was supposed to stop him from having unsupervised contact with any child, after his previous conviction on two offenses of fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct.

The registered sex offender was convicted of violating probation, and also was charged with new counts of sexual assault involving an adopted son. A judge's written order had failed to mention the plea agreement that forbade contact with any child, and a probation officer also admitted to failing to enforce the deal.

2003 Aug 11
2 year old girl from Moscow, Russia adopted by Glenn Robert Hagmann and Patrice Lynn Hagmann. Her adoptive mother claimed that she accidentally killed Jessica while trying to stop her from having a tantrum. Patrice Hagmann was sentenced to probation and to 2 suspended 5 year terms.
2003 Aug 1
Less than 17 year old girl adopted by Wanda and Bobbie Holmes was sexually abused by her 72 year old adoptive father with permission of her adoptive mother.
2003 Jun
8-year-old girl adopted by Earl and Tammy Steidl was sexually abused by her adoptive father, while being physically abused by her adoptive mother. Earl Steidl was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

2003 May 27

Masha Allen was adopted  in 1998 at the age of 5 from Novoshakhtinsk, Rostov, Russia into the US by a single male pedophile, Matthew Mancuso. Masha was sexually abused for five years and also became the subject of child pornography. In 2006 she testified before the House Energy and Commerce Committy. In 2008 the news broke that abuse supposedly had again taken place by Faith Allen/Lynn Ginn, the woman who had adopted her immediately after Masha's "rescue" from Mancuso.
2003 May 3
15 year old boy adopted in Bulgaria, was taken to hospital after being hit with a chair for being out on his bicycle too long. Michael Esau Awada was charged. Patricia Anderson Awada was not charged. Charges were dropped in exchange for counseling.
2003 Feb 21
4 year old girl adopted by Brian Christopher  and LaRae Marara Sullivan. Claiming to have been ordered by god like a modern day Abraham, Brian Chistopher Sullivan stabbed the girl and his wife with a knife. Both died.
2003 Feb 1

Marian and John DiMarias, conservative evangelical Christians, adopted 21 girls from third-world countries. The adopted girls were all impaired; most were deaf. In February, 2003, the State of Vermont learned that John DiMaria had been sexually abusing the older girls for years. He was convicted and jailed by the State.

During 1999 - 2003 DiMaria and her husband, John DiMaria, lived in Jericho, VT  and operated the Gypsy Grace Ranch, advertised as "North America's Largest Breeder" of Gypsy horses, an expensive English draft horse. The DiMarias moved to Vermont from Kentucky, where they also operated a horse farm.

In 2002 and 2003, after the DiMarias had exhausted Marian DiMaria's trust fund of over $7 million, they deceived the Mellon Bank in Pennsylvania, a trustee of the adopted girls' trusts, into sending them $168,000 for fictitious expenses. Further investigation revealed that DiMaria had received and spent $96,000 from one adopted victim's trust, and had defrauded the Social Security Administration of approximately $13,000, after she learned that her husband had been sexually abusing the children.

At least 2 girls were born in China, and Ukraine, at least one girl in India, Russia, Brazil, and Bolivia. (1996 they had 8 from: China, Russia, India, Brazil)  - (Olivia, Hannah, Rikki, Tressah, Anya, Elizabeth, + 15 more)
2003 Jan 1
4 year old girl adopted as an infant in Russia was molested by her older brother from Romania adopted at age 7. The boy spent his first 2 years tied to an orphanage crib, and was beaten and molested at a state-run orphanage and foster homes. He repeatedly sexually assaulted his sister and threatened to kill her and their mother.