exposing the dark side of adoption
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2006 Jan 1
Quickly after she was adopted the sexual abuse started. She was 13 years old at the time. A year later she got pregnant and had a baby in 2000. In 2005 she made a report about the sexual abuse she had endured. Smith was arrested in Transylvania County in 2006 and later indicted. In 2008 he got a 124 year sentence.
2005 Dec 31
14-year-old girl adopted by Douglas Allen Houtz and Beth Marie Houtz, was physically abused by her adoptive mother, she was being held  under water, beaten her with hangers and kitchen utensils, and was restraint while being punched in the face.

In December 2007, Marie Houtz accepted a plea agreement with prosecutors. She pleaded no contest in exchange for a two-year suspended prison sentence.

Charges were dismissed against her husband.

Ryuya Yoshimura

2005 Dec 9
5-year-old adopted son of Yuki Yoshimura, a 26-year-old housewife, abused Ryuya, damaging his liver and lungs the boy died from loss of blood.

Kaitlyn Brosch

2005 Oct 28
Four months after being adopted from China at 10 months old in June 2005, Kaitlyn nearly died of brain injuries and swelling consistent with being shaken and struck in the head. She is now partially paralyzed, deaf and blind. Mother Tracey Ann Brosch plead to a child abuse charge, father Jeffrey Brosch was not charged..
2005 Oct 26
David W Kinghorn was convicted of raping one of the girls in his home. David and Glenda Kinghorn had 2 bio children, adopted 4 children, then took custody of 8 or more children from disrupted adoptions, including Sasha Bignell from Ukraine. They moved from Minnesota to Arkansas when Minnesota CPS was investigating the situation. The 4 adopted children and possibly 3 more were originally from Louisiana.
2005 Oct 19

20 month girl Adopted from Huangmei, Hubei Province, China by Phillip and Jennifer Alvey, was shaken to death by her adoptive mother 8 months after the adoption. Emma had a skull fracture and died Oct 24, 2005. In September she got 13 stitches from a separate injury. Her mother pleaded guilty. Jennifer was sentenced to 1 year in prison,14 years probation.

Haleigh Poutre

2005 Sep 11

On September 2005, Haleigh Poutre, was hospitalized with severe brain injuries after she was allegedly beaten into a coma by Jason Strickland and Holli Strickland, her step father and maternal aunt respectively, who had legally adopted her. Defying all odds, the brain-damaged girl who was days away from a state order to remove her from life support in 2006, started communicating about the horrific abuse that nearly killed her.
2005 Sep 1
11 children adopted by Michel and Sharen Gravelle were found to be kept in cages.

Michael and Sharen Gravelle met in sexual abuse counseling. Sharen was in the program because her previous husband had abused their daughter. Michael was in the program after admitting to a prosecutor that he had sexually molested his 10-year-old daughter over a two-year period. Not only was he never prosecuted for this, he failed to even complete the sex offender treatment program at which he met Sharen. - See more at: http://publicjustice.net/content/fighting-safety-kids-foster-care-system#sthash.nPtFKHzR.dpuf
Michael and Sharen Gravelle met in sexual abuse counseling. Sharen was in the program because her previous husband had abused their daughter. Michael was in the program after admitting to a prosecutor that he had sexually molested his 10-year-old daughter over a two-year period. Not only was he never prosecuted for this, he failed to even complete the sex offender treatment program at which he met Sharen.
Michael and Sharen Gravelle met in sexual abuse counseling. Sharen was in the program because her previous husband had abused their daughter. Michael was in the program after admitting to a prosecutor that he had sexually molested his 10-year-old daughter over a two-year period. Not only was he never prosecuted for this, he failed to even complete the sex offender treatment program at which he met Sharen. - See more at: http://publicjustice.net/content/fighting-safety-kids-foster-care-system#sthash.nPtFKHzR.dpuf
Michael and Sharen Gravelle met in sexual abuse counseling. Sharen was in the program because her previous husband had abused their daughter. Michael was in the program after admitting to a prosecutor that he had sexually molested his 10-year-old daughter over a two-year period. Not only was he never prosecuted for this, he failed to even complete the sex offender treatment program at which he met Sharen. - See more at: http://publicjustice.net/content/fighting-safety-kids-foster-care-system#sthash.nPtFKHzR.dpuf
Michael and Sharen Gravelle met in sexual abuse counseling. Sharen was in the program because her previous husband had abused their daughter. Michael was in the program after admitting to a prosecutor that he had sexually molested his 10-year-old daughter over a two-year period. Not only was he never prosecuted for this, he failed to even complete the sex offender treatment program at which he met Sharen. - See more at: http://publicjustice.net/content/fighting-safety-kids-foster-care-system#sthash.nPtFKHzR.dpuf

Michael and Sharen Gravelle met in sexual abuse counseling. Sharen was in the program because her previous husband had abused their daughter. Michael was in the program after admitting to a prosecutor that he had sexually molested his 10-year-old daughter over a two-year period. Not only was he never prosecuted for this, he failed to even complete the sex offender treatment program at which he met Sharen. - See more at: http://publicjustice.net/content/fighting-safety-kids-foster-care-system#sthash.nPtFKHzR.dpuf
Michael and Sharen Gravelle met in sexual abuse counseling. Sharen was in the program because her previous husband had abused their daughter. Michael was in the program after admitting to a prosecutor that he had sexually molested his 10-year-old daughter over a two-year period. Not only was he never prosecuted for this, he failed to even complete the sex offender treatment program at which he met Sharen. - See more at: http://publicjustice.net/content/fighting-safety-kids-foster-care-system#sthash.nPtFKHzR.dpuf
Michael and Sharen Gravelle met in sexual abuse counseling. Sharen was in the program because her previous husband had abused their daughter. Michael was in the program after admitting to a prosecutor that he had sexually molested his 10-year-old daughter over a two-year period. Not only was he never prosecuted for this, he failed to even complete the sex offender treatment program at which he met Sharen. - See more at: http://publicjustice.net/content/fighting-safety-kids-foster-care-system#sthash.nPtFKHzR.dpuf
2005 Aug 13

21-month-old boy, adopted by Brian Dale Dykstra and Lisa Dykstra, died of head injuries consistent with shaken baby syndrome, as well as bruising on his torso and legs. Isaac was adopted from Krasnoyarsk, Russia and had lived with the Dykstra's for three months. On August 7, 2008 Brian Dale Dykstra, 31,was charged with 2nd degree murder.
On November 3, 2011 Brian Dykstra was found not guilty.
2005 Aug 12
3-month-old boy was suffocated to death by his adoptive father, Mitchell Charles Rivers.

In 1997, South Carolina Department of Social Services (DSS) found Rivers responsible for the hospitalization of a 2-year-old son of a former girlfriend who sustained a severe concussion and a severed skull fracture.