exposing the dark side of adoption
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2006 Jul 1
14-year-old girl from Vietnam, adopted by Eva Maria Hofer, was beaten by her adoptive mother. At the time, Eva Maria Hofer was executive director of German adoption agency ICCO.
2006 Jul 1

Three boys adopted by their bio Aunt and her husband were found severely malnourished, a 5-year-old boy who weighed less than 20 pounds, an 8-year-old who weighed less than 40 pounds and a 7-year-old brother who weighed about 32 pounds when police found. The boys also were treated for bruises, scratches, burns and head lice. The boys told officers they were tied up to be kept from food in the mobile home. Mrs McCurry kept a prosethetic hand needed by one of the boys hidden.

2006 Jun 16
7-year-old boy, adopted by a Spanish couple in 2001, was so severely beaten by his adopters he ended up in a coma. The boy had been hospitalized before because of abuse.

Monica Fabregas

2006 Jun 7
13 year old girl adopted by Enrique Fabregas, a known drug abuser, who sexually abused her for years.  Enrique had been a boyfriend of Monica's bio mother at one time, but was not at the time of the adoption. Fabregas was also foster parent of Ruth and Estera Tamas. Despite numerous complaints over a ten year period no measures were taken. When finally Ruth and Estera filed complaints, they were taken out of the house, but it still took a year and a half before Monica was removed from Fabregas' house.

Angellika Arndt

2006 May 26

Angellika Arndt, died from asphyxiation a day after she was wrestled to the ground and held face first on the ground in a chokehold for over an hour by caregivers at Rice Lake Day Treatment Center. She was in Milwaukee County's foster care system at the time.
2006 May 1
Over a period of 2 years the girl was sexually abused by the couple. As age 14 she reported the abuse to Children Youth and Families officials.

Janie Tylski

2006 Apr 21
6 year old adoptive daughter of former NFL player Rich Tylski and his wife Jane Tylski was brought to the hospital with a broken femur. Doctors concluded the girl was abused and the Tylski's admitted to spanking the girl with a belt, slamming her head on a table and other abuse that left the girl with broken bones in her hands and leg.
2006 Apr 13
John Krueger, a 53-year-old Bakersfield man is accused of molesting four young boys, all children adopted from an orphanage in Kherson, Ukraine. Three of the boys were his sons, the fourth, an acquaintance.
2006 Apr 3
10 year old boy adopted by Vicki Lynn Hulsey who beat him to death.
2006 Mar 13
3 girls in care of Mercedes Farquharson allegedly were kept at a North Carolina property and prevented  from going to school or even making friends. It's alleged that the girls were forced to clear up after dozens of animals including dogs, sheep and chickens and that they were forced to perform hard physical labour in harsh conditions. It's also alleged that one of the girls was as young as seven when the forced labour began. The youngest girl was adopted, the other two girls were taken from their real mother in Southall, west London in the 1990s as she was having problems at the time with a difficult marriage