exposing the dark side of adoption
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abuse case
The assumption behind child-placement is that the safety and living conditions of a child improve. These cases demonstrate that this assumption is often invalid.
child trafficking case
There is often a fine line between adoption and child trafficking. In many cases this line is being crossed.
coerced adoption case
Adoption is assumed to be the result of a choice made by the parents of the child. These cases demonstrate women are pressured to give up their children.
deportation case
Adoptions before 1997, didn't automatically lead to naturalization. As result, people adopted from outside the outside US that ran into problems with the justice system face deportation to their country of birth.
disrupted placement case
Although the adoptive family is called the "forever family" by the adoption industry, adoptions can end in disruption. These cases demonstrate that the "forever family" is sometimes only temporary
father's rights violation case
Adoption requires the consent of both biological parents. These cases demonstrate that the rights of fathers in adoption cases are being violated.
wrongful medication case
Children in foster care can have serious mental health issues. Too often these children are given large doses of psychotropic medications, just to keep them quiet.
wrongful removal case
The removal of children from their family's should always be a last resort. These cases demonstrate that Child Protective Services sometimes remove children for all the wrong reasons
abuse case
2009 Jun 5
17-year-old girl adopted by Linda Ellington and her husband was tried to be set on fire by her adopted mother. The Ellington's had four more adopted children, including Danielle's brother.
child trafficking case
2009 Jun 1

Rajun and Maya placed their 6-yo son and 3-yo daughter in an orphanage for temporary care. When they returned to pick them up, they discovered both children's names were changed: Kaushal and Karuna to Dharma and Ahimsa. The children's paperwork was being readied for intercountry adoption. Orphanage director Sabitri Basnet, would only return their son Kaushal. Several months later, Karuna was in the custody of a US family for adoption. The child was eventually returned to the orphanage, and then to her parents.

abuse case
2009 May 14
7-year-old girl adopted from China at 11 months, by  Eddy and Donna Whisenhunt, was sexually assaulted for 4 years by both her adoptive parents.

December 11, 2009, Eddy Tony Whisenhunt pleaded guilty to three counts of first-degree child rape.
Donna Marie Whisenhunt also pleaded guilty to three counts of first-degree child rape
child trafficking case
2009 May 8
child trafficking case
2009 May 1
In May 2009, Pam & Juan Johnson adopted 3 bio siblings in Ethiopia aged 11, 8 and 7 at the time. The siblings believed they were in the US for an education, and did not understand adoption severed ties with their mother. They expected to be able to regularly call and visit their mother in Ethiopia.

In 2006, Johnsons adopted 3 other Ethiopia bio siblings under the belief that the children would be leaving the orphanage for the streets. Turns out the siblings had wealthy extended families.

Both sets of Ethiopia siblings were adopted using Christian World Adoption.

Mark Lyttle

deportation case
2009 Apr 29

Mentally ill, 31-year-old adoptee was deported to Mexico, despite being an American citizen... born in North Carolina. ICE ignored FBI evidence that proved Lyttle's citizenship. From Mexico he was deported to Honduras, because he was not a Mexican citizen. Honduras didn't accept him either and deported Lyttle to Guatemala. Eventually he got assistance from the US Embassy in Guatemala and returned to the United States.

Elena Varela

abuse case
2009 Apr 25
4 year old girl admitted to the hospital with fractures to both legs and her right arm and severe bruising on her legs, arms, upper and lower back, abdomen and head. Her parents Raul and Tricia Varela held her the potty for 3 hours and then beat her with a shoe and spatulas, in a potty training battle. The family has 2 biological sons, ages 7 and 9; and four adopted daughters, ages 2 to 8. The girls were apparently adopted after Oct 2006
abuse case
2009 Apr 22

9-year-old girl adopted by her aunt was found dead found in a black trash bag, stuffed into a plastic bin with mothballs and locked in a storage unit near Flint.

Gabriel Myers

wrongful medication case
2009 Apr 16

7-year-old boy in foster care locked himself in a bathroom and hanged himself with a detachable shower head. He had been prescribed four psychiatric drugs, two or three of which he was taking at the time of his death.

Three of the psychotropic drugs carry U.S. Food and Drug Administration "black box" label warnings for children's safety, the strongest advisory the federal agency issues.

Bradley Zazueta

deportation case
2009 Apr 15

24-year-old man adopted from Mexico at 11 month by an Arizona couple in 1985 was arrested for stealing and subsequently violated probabtion. Because of some mistakes in his paperwork Immigrations and Customs Enforcement seek to deport him.

Status: Unknown