exposing the dark side of adoption
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2017 Jan

Two girls adopted from Mongolia and China by Mary Heller were starved and neglected by their adoptive mother.

Rachel Johnson

2017 Jan

Adopted by Randy and Kathy Johnson, Rachel was sexually abused by her adoptive father. Randy Johnson was sentenced to probation for child endangerment and indecent exposure.

2016 Dec

5-year-old girl adopted by Samantha Osteraas was scalded in the bathtub by her adoptive mother, resulting in third-degree burns over more than 70 percent of her body. Osteraas was sentenced to 15 years in prison plus 15 years probation.

Before being placed with Osteraas, the girl had been in foster care with David and Barbara Frodsham

2016 Nov

7 children adopted by Allen Richardson and Paula Sinclair were locked in a room and fed only rice and beans. The children were beaten with a broom, belt or paddle.

2016 Nov

14-year-old boy adopted by Richard and Cynthia Kelly was denied food, failure to provide nourishment and medical care, along with locking their adopted son of two years in a concrete basement for nearly 23 hours a day. The Kelly's were sentenced to a ten-year split sentence with two years to serve.

Natalie Finn

2016 Oct 24

16-year-old girl adopted by Joseph and Natalie Finn died of starvation. She was tortured, deprived of food, clothing and health care. 

Adam Snyder

2016 Sep 1

8-year-old boy adopted from China by John and Katherine Snyder died of blunt force trauma to the head. The adoptive parents have been charged with murder. There were four more children adopted from China in the house hold.

2016 Aug 21

Seven children adopted by Christian and Suzanne Seagren were severely abused. 

2016 Aug

Five-year-old girl adopted from Poland by John and Georgiana Tufts, was sexually abused by her adoptive father. 

The girl was placed with the Tufts through Debra Parris of European Adoption Consultants in 2015. She and her sister were sourced  from Poland. The agency placed one girl with a couple in Utah, who told the agency they could only care for one child. The adoption agency gave the other girl to the Tufts without telling authorities. The Tufts were never vetted by adoption officials.


2016 Jul

11 children in care of Daniel and Jenise Spurgeon were sexually abused by their adoptive father and physically abused and neglected by their adoptive mother. Some of the children were adopted, while others were in foster care.