exposing the dark side of adoption
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abuse case
The assumption behind child-placement is that the safety and living conditions of a child improve. These cases demonstrate that this assumption is often invalid.
child trafficking case
There is often a fine line between adoption and child trafficking. In many cases this line is being crossed.
coerced adoption case
Adoption is assumed to be the result of a choice made by the parents of the child. These cases demonstrate women are pressured to give up their children.
deportation case
Adoptions before 1997, didn't automatically lead to naturalization. As result, people adopted from outside the outside US that ran into problems with the justice system face deportation to their country of birth.
disrupted placement case
Although the adoptive family is called the "forever family" by the adoption industry, adoptions can end in disruption. These cases demonstrate that the "forever family" is sometimes only temporary
father's rights violation case
Adoption requires the consent of both biological parents. These cases demonstrate that the rights of fathers in adoption cases are being violated.
wrongful medication case
Children in foster care can have serious mental health issues. Too often these children are given large doses of psychotropic medications, just to keep them quiet.
wrongful removal case
The removal of children from their family's should always be a last resort. These cases demonstrate that Child Protective Services sometimes remove children for all the wrong reasons

Natalie Finn

abuse case
2016 Oct 24

16-year-old girl adopted by Joseph and Natalie Finn died of starvation. She was tortured, deprived of food, clothing and health care. 

Adam Snyder

abuse case
2016 Sep 1

8-year-old boy adopted from China by John and Katherine Snyder died of blunt force trauma to the head. The adoptive parents have been charged with murder. There were four more children adopted from China in the house hold.

abuse case
2016 Aug 21

Seven children adopted by Christian and Suzanne Seagren were severely abused. 

abuse case
2016 Aug

Five-year-old girl adopted from Poland by John and Georgiana Tufts, was sexually abused by her adoptive father. 

The girl was placed with the Tufts through Debra Parris of European Adoption Consultants in 2015. She and her sister were sourced  from Poland. The agency placed one girl with a couple in Utah, who told the agency they could only care for one child. The adoption agency gave the other girl to the Tufts without telling authorities. The Tufts were never vetted by adoption officials.


abuse case
2016 Jul

11 children in care of Daniel and Jenise Spurgeon were sexually abused by their adoptive father and physically abused and neglected by their adoptive mother. Some of the children were adopted, while others were in foster care.

abuse case
2016 May

A boy and a girl adopted by Todd and Laura Starnes-Wells received extreme punishment,  including hitting, making them run up a 250-yard hill, having the boy walk two hours to school making the boy sit at a table with his hands on it during the day -- interrupted only if he asked for food or to go to the bathroom -- and writing thousands of sentences.

Laura Starnes-Wells received 5 years probation.

abuse case
2016 Feb 16

A 15-year-old girl,  an 11-year-old boy, an 11-year-old girl, adopted by Jim and Paige Nachtigal from Peru, were beaten, starved, and tortured by their adoptive parents,  The children were taken out of public school in 2014 to be homeschooled.

abuse case
2016 Jan 8
12-year-old boy adopted by Tara McNeill Palajac was drowned in a bathtub by his adoptive mother.
abuse case
2016 Jan 6
12-year-old girl adopted by Eugenio and Victoria Erquiaga was regularly locked n a playhouse in a loft area of the home, and her hands were regularly restrained with zip locks.

Suzanne Connolly

abuse case

Then 11-year-old Suzanne Connolly was sexually abused by her adoptive father John Rossi. The abuse continued until she was 14.