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Spotlight on Orphan Resources International


September 07, 2003

Spotlight on Orphan Resources International

As we continue to do everything in our power to bring our children home, we must also remember the negative impact that the Hague contraversy has had orphanages in Guatemala. With that in mind, I would like to bring attention to a very special organization. Orphan Resources International supplies much needed aid to the orphanages of Guatemala. The organization was founded by Rod and Sarah Martin who also adopted two children from Guatemala.

Below is an email I received from Rod with information about Orphan Resources International.

The main purpose of Orphan Resources International is to supply aid to the orphanages of Guatemala. We do this by collecting donations and redistribute them to the ones that most need those products at that time, purchase milk and formulas, organize workgroups to do repairs and new construction, and spend time with the kids. We have currently started a new project called Project REFUGE which will be the main vehicle through which the donations and distribution
network will operate. We hope to operate this on a large scale with warehousing in the US and Guatemala, with a network of distribution to a large number of orphanages. Currently this project is in operation but on small scale until we secure larger monetary funding for staff and warehouse personnel for the distribution network.

We are also developing an Adopt an Orphanage program which will be geared towards churches being paired up with one orphanage pledging a certain amount of money which will help send the children to school, upgrade the facilities, hire more staff, ect. Through this program we hope to raise the awareness for the need for adoption, and through this program have people from those churches adopt children from the orphanage if they are adoptable, including going on work groups to that orphanage to have one on one interaction with the kids.

1 - How has the proceedings affected them (whether they do adoptions or not)?
The answer to this question is very easy since four weeks ago I visited 22 orphanages, the answer to this specific question that I asked to all of them that did adoptions was this. We rely on adoption related monies to operate this orphanage if the adoptions continue on hold or to be stopped we will be forced to close the orphanage and return the children to the court system, there are no funds coming in and very little private support and the costs continue. 95% of the orphanages that do adoptions also have many children that are not adoptable now or never and this money also is needed for the ongoing support for these children. This is one reason we are starting some of the programs I mentioned to help with the day to day operation of an orphanage.

2 - Is there any government resources?
There are no government resources, and if there are no one has been receiving

3 - Can volunteers visit them (with donations)?
There are some orphanages that will allow people to visit and spend time with the kids, including bringing donations. However others are very skeptical of leaving in people they do not know just to visit, for fear they may be there just to cause problems.

These are the 20 orphanages that we currently delivered donations to, I have a list of 80 and there 215 registered. They house around 20,000 children. Some of these we help on a limited basis others receive milk formulas and work groups.

Small Miracles
Casa San Jose Aids
Santa Lucia
Un Mundo Nuevo
El Jardin
VIDA home for boys
Prince of Peace home for girls
Dawn of Love
Home of the Angles
San Jeronimo
Casa Bernabe
Hogar Miguel Magone
Casa Shalom
Shadow of His Wings home for girls
Misionaros del Camino
Hands of Mercy

All donations get sent to:
Orphan Resources International
550 West Trout Run Rd.
Ephrata Pa. 17522

Monetary donations need to be earmarked for the specific project intended.

Posted by Kelly at September 7, 2003 11:22 AM

I would like to learn more about ways to support your efforts. Could you please reply to me by phone or email? Some of my questions are;
How are donations collected and sent?
What is the cost to sponsor an orphanage?

I look forward to hearing from you,

Suchitra Mumford
Humanitarian Aid Coordinator

Posted by: Suchitra Mumford at September 8, 2003 11:02 AM

I'm interested as well but have one concern. Can you tell me how much religious bias this organization has? How much (if at all) they are trying to influence the religious beliefs of the children? I see some things on the website about providing bibles etc...

Thanks, Gail

Posted by: Gail at September 9, 2003 08:52 AM

Do any of these organizations have Combined Federal Campaign numbers? The U.S. Federal Goverment is currently running its 2003 donation campaign for 2004 payroll deductions.

Posted by: chris at September 9, 2003 09:12 AM

hello i am from guatamala, i was adopted back in
1973 the records will show that my name was linda maria villegas .is there any way you might be able to help me locate my real mother?

Posted by: linda at November 2, 2003 03:24 AM

Could you please tell me what the process is, for an orphanage in Guatemala, to ready a child for adoption? Or direct me to an organization who can answer this.

Thank you

Posted by: Paula at January 6, 2004 08:34 AM

i have a friend that recently adopted 2 little boys from Guatemala. im very interested in going to vist some orphanages as well as volunteering there for awhile. if you could give me any info about how i go about to doing this, that would be very helpful. THANKS

Posted by: Kristin at March 29, 2004 08:15 PM

Hi, I am looking to help orphanages in Guatemala by volunteering and donating but seek some advise as to how I can go about this. I would be grateful of any information as to ways I can achieve this. Thank you.

Posted by: Abigail at April 29, 2004 04:44 PM
2003 Sep 7