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Police investigates 80 adoption lawyers


Prensa Libre Story (internet translated): http://www.prensalibre.com/pl/2008/mayo/21/239796.html

The Public Department investigates some 80 lawyers that would have incurred in illegalities in the processes of adoption that deal with before the attorney general's office of the Nation (PGN), reported today the public prosecutor against the Crime Organized, Jorge Donated.

The public prosecutor said today journalists that the investigations against the lawyers, they initiated after the PGN presented the respective accusations, "after finding evidences of anomalies in the processes of adoption".

The holder of the PGN, Budilio Gap, ordered last May 5 to suspend some two thousand 300 children adoptions processes that still are dealt with for the notarial way, by to have been initiated before charged force the new Law of Adoptions, the ones that will be revised before giving them the seen good.

These processes were revised by officials of the PGN and the recently created National Counsel of Adoptions, to determine if the children that would be given in adoption are in reality children of the parents that appear in the documents negotiated by private lawyers.

Among the anomalies detected by the PGN in the continued processes by the jurists, they found false directions where supposedly they were found the smaller as well as identity documents alteration and forgery as a token of DNA.

Scores of lawyers, medical, nurses and nannies integrate extensive networks that are dedicated to deal with adoptions of Guatemalan children to be given to foreign families, a "business" that has left annual profits of to 200 million dollars.

AP Story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080522

2008 May 21
