exposing the dark side of adoption
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Guantanamo - Federici


Day 330. Survivors found: 6


For the record, I’m not going to use this space to pit “DemocRATS” over “Repugnicans” or vice-versa. What I wrote ten months ago holds true: I’m extremely wary of politicizing this critically important, little-known AT/RAD epidemic and having it devolve into a partisan pissing contest.

Luckily, most people tend to pretty much forget about partisanship when they’re made aware of these kinds of horrors. Me, I encounter simultaneously both tremendous compassion and vitriolic condescension from opposite ends of the political spectrum, ain’t that swell? I’ve learned firsthand how much respect this child abuse epidemic pays to party lines and affiliations among its victims, perpetrators and opponents. (Answer: zero.)

I’m not going to launch a debate here about whether the torture of terrorists can ever be justified. Not yet, at least.

Instead, I’d just like to point out that even though this marvelous country I have the privilege of living in can talk a blue streak about the ethics of torturing war criminals and terror suspects, it remains deaf, dumb and blind to THIS:

(I was saving this video for Day 333, but you should get a glimpse beforehand on how Ronald Federici operates. Yes, the guy really does refer to himself as “The Emperor.”) Over three decades of systematic beatings, suffocation, food and water deprivation, sexual abuse, humiliation and terror… And we’re not talking about big grown-ups in shadowy prisons here. We’re talking about little children in domestic homes and therapists’ offices. Children who still count as citizens of this country, powerless and maligned as we may be: “Most often the children targeted for AT are those who have been adopted or are in foster care; a disproportionate number are of minority race or ethnicity, suffer from autism or mental retardation, or have physical disabilities. Such children are, not coincidentally, among the most vulnerable and defenseless.” -

ACT (Advocates for Children in Therapy), “What is Attachment Therapy?”

2009 Jan 22