exposing the dark side of adoption
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Baby trafficking and other adoption secrets


An article on CNN today states that overseas adoptions from two of the biggest baby exporters, Vietnam and Guatemala, have halted their adoption programs after a crackdown against baby trafficking and corruption. Sadly, much of the story focuses on the would-be American parents who are outraged that they can no longer adopt from these countries. Most of these would-be parents are only focusing on what is in it for them; they want their baby no matter what. They could care less if their child was stolen from some unwed mother and sold off as orphan, because according to them this child is now theirs!

Luckily, the US government is taking steps to prevent such corruption and baby stealing, such as requiring the relinquishing mother to appear with the child when they receive their visa, and required DNA tests for both mother and baby so identities can be proven. Yet, these would-be adoptive parents are angry, saying that this painstakingly detailed review is “overkill”, and another responses by saying “My husband and I were absolutely devastated. Adoptive parents have put a lot of emotional energy and a lot of financial resources in the process.”

While adoption seems like the ideal way to help a child who has no family, the downfall is that this is not always the case. Overseas adoptions, notably countries such as Guatemala, Vietnam, Russia, Romania, and China, have turned the necessary into a financial provocative. Guatemala exports one out of every 100 babies born there to wealthy US couples. Many of these babies were not relinquished by their birth mothers, but either paid ridiculous sums of money to sell their children, or they were stolen unwillingly from them. Some of these birth mothers were coerced, or forced to relinquish their child.

The sad thing is that this is not just an overseas problem. Adoption agencies in the United States play the same games, usually with young teen moms. They prey on these girls, tricking them to give away their children by whatever means necessary. One of the most notorious has been the Catholic Church, which uses religion as justification for destroying these biological ties – stating that unwed moms are sinning and in order to repent their sins they must give up their bastard child. Other adoption agencies trick young girls to cross state lines, so they can get away from the biological father so he has no say in the relinquishing process.
Further more, there are still children being stolen from women, particularly the young and the poor, and these stolen children are sold for upwards of $20,000 (for a white baby) to wealthy wanna-be parents.
The real human tragedy is, for some, this is new and shocking news.  For many of us, this is merely more of the same:  Adoption Facts that still have yet to be changed.  Perhaps the only significant global-difference in child trade can be credited to The Hague Convention, but closure of trade between brokers and borders seems to be painfully slow.  [Hey, it's hard to lose easy money, especially when you see the mess that's been created in your own backyard!]
The real issue is not orphaned children, the real issue is about the money that can be made or saved by moving one social problem to another resource.
The real issue is money.  How will it be made...  how will it be spent... and who will benefit most?
2008 May 29