exposing the dark side of adoption
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In the name of trust and charity


During our "time-off", I have been researching the history of child abuse within various so-called safe havens for children, and how religion has hurt so many innocent people .

I have been reading blogs written by the abused and comments written on various websites, such as SNAP -- Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, http://www.snapnetwork.org/ .

I have been reading emails sent to me, written by people who were so grossly abused by paid care-takers in religious-affliliated institutions, it has made me sick and unable to sleep.

I have been reading articles that feature the exploitation of children within the child placement industry, and how children in orphanages are used for sex trafficking and soliciting "charity" money, as described in this article about an orphanage in Mexico.  These are practices that have been taking place for decades, (if not centuries) especially in the UK, Europe, Canada and Australia.... and very little has been done to prosecute the workers and clergy involved, as indicated in this article, Appendix:  Hypocrites Revisited An Update on Paedophilia

Why is it so difficult for victims of abuse "within care" to seek justice?  Because statutes of limitations limit the victims right to file suit, protecting the rights of pedophiles and crooks working for and within child/family services, religious, or not.  [See:  Thousands of abuse victims to get justice as case deadline lifted and £10K landmark payout for children's home abuse victim ]

In addition to all this reading, I have been watching various videos, like  Boys and Men Healing, and it all astounds me how the lives of so many have been hurt and ruined, all under the name of charity, "good-will" and all done by the hands, names and faces a child is told to trust and respect.  [And people wonder why some of us ungrateful bastards won't trust other people?!?]

I shudder to think of the number of children "touched" by dangerous sexual predators, pedophiles and child abusers who have worked and continue to work in charities, orphanages, foster care and children's homes.

I shudder to think, too, that there are those who think adoption itself will help solve the problem by removing children from this sort of care made possible through so-called non-profit charities/organizations.  Don't people see how the more money a group can make, the more children will be needed to keep that money-flow going?

I shudder to believe God wants others to use, abuse, then sell children under His Good Name.

SO.... my question is, as it has ALWAYS been:  Who is protecting children from abuse, harm, and unsafe sexual activity once they are removed from their home and family?   

by Kerry on Wednesday, 11 February 2009