exposing the dark side of adoption
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Dr Philip Broeckel was framed by Julie Berryman


I should know. I am one of the adopted children. I was the first to be adopted by the Broeckels. NONE of the children accused my father of anything until after they went to see a Memory regression therapist, and as everyone knows now , memory regression therapy is more often the cause of the memories than anything else. My father was arrested and sent to prison where he died. he was old and had a heart condition. julie wanted out of her marriage to him and thought she could collect on his money if he were not around.

He was an innocent man, doesnt anybody think that any one of we 21 children would have noticed something going on if it actually were?

Julie was even convinced he had mob ties and that the MOB was trying to kill her for her accusations against Phil.

Each child who made claims... did so ONLY after going to the regression therapist. each one ...one at a time came home filled with "memories" that had been "uncovered", the only tie was julie's presence at each therapy session. All of our lives were trashed by these actions.

2009 Feb 16