Vermilion county (IL) ⬤ public State: Illinois (state of the USA) Vermilion county (IL) Disrupted placement cases Title Date8 year old California girl 2007 Jan 1 Child topics: Westville - ILFithian - ILIndianola - ILAllerton - ILOakwood - ILHenning - ILFairmount - ILBelgium - ILMuncie - ILTilton - ILRidge Farm - ILAlvan - ILOlivet - ILHoopeston - ILCatlin - ILBismarck - ILRossville - ILSidell - ILRankin - ILGeorgetown - ILEast Lynn - ILPotomac - ILDanville - IL Parent topics: Illinois (state of the USA)