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National Authority for the Protection of Children's Rights and Adoption (ANPDCA)


Constituted on the basis of the provisions of Government Decision no. 299/2014 on the organization and functioning of the National Authority for the Protection of Child's Rights and Adoption, ANPDCA functions as a specialized body of the central public administration with legal personality, subordinated to the Ministry of Labor and Social Justice.

The mission of the National Authority for the Protection of Children's Rights and Adoption (ANPDCA) is to monitor the observance of the rights of all children and to take all measures to contribute to the creation of a society worthy of children, involving the local and central public administration authorities, civil society , parents and children.

Through its specialized departments, ANPDCA performs the following functions :

- the state authority function - which ensures the follow-up and control of the application and observance of the regulations in the field of the protection of children's rights and adoption, as well as the coordination of the activities carried out by legal or public legal entities in this field;
- the representation function - which ensures, on behalf of the Romanian state, the internal and external representation in the field of the protection of children's rights and adoption
- the regulatory function - which ensures the elaboration of the necessary normative framework for harmonizing the internal legislation on the protection of children's rights and adoption with the norms and principles stipulated by the international treaties and conventions to which Romania is a party, as well as for their effective application;
- the administration function - which ensures the management of assets in the public and private domain of the state, which it has in administration or in use, as the case may be.