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Couple who fled to Auckland after being accused of killing son return to US


Melanie Earley

An American couple who moved to New Zealand after their son died of suspected neglect have returned to the United States.

The Minnesota District Attorney alleged Seth Johnson, 7, died in a vomit-soaked bed after a weeks-long illness that his parents, Tim and Sarah Johnson, failed to properly address – instead administering “medical honey” and praying over him.

The Johnsons didn't show up to their first court appearance in relation to Seth’s death back in 2017 and a warrant was issued for their arrest – but the pair had moved to Auckland.

While in New Zealand, the couple attended the now defunct Hillside Community Church in east Auckland.

Kevin Robertson, the ministry leader at the time, said he didn’t know them well, but they were “nice people” with six children.

Jason Heale, a former pastor for Hillside, said he never met the Johnsons and they never came to the church while he worked there.

“The last I heard was they’d moved out to Beachlands and gone to another church out that way.”

According to the Star Tribune, Tim Johnson, 45, appeared in Hennepin County District Court this week in connection with Seth’s death which happened on March 30, 2015.

Sarah Johnson, 42, was scheduled to appear in court later in the week, the newspaper said. She was staying with relatives to get help with her remaining children.

According to the criminal complaints, Seth endured extensive trauma from an inflamed pancreas and possible infections until he died.

In his final days, Seth was allegedly left in the care of his 16-year-old brother while the Johnsons attended a wedding.

Seth had been adopted by the Johnsons when he was 4 and in the weeks before his death, the Johnsons said Seth would throw himself down the stairs and was hitting his head.

But the couple had "issues with going to doctors" and never sought medical attention for Seth, the complaints said.

They said they didn't want Seth on medication and concluded from their research he had a post-traumatic stress disorder from a brain injury.

The couple also said Seth had foetal alcohol syndrome, but authorities found no record of a diagnosis, the complaints said.

The day before his death, the 16-year-old brother called the parents and said Seth wasn't eating or interacting. He said the boy stopped talking and couldn't get out of bed.

When the couple arrived home, Seth was unresponsive. “They prayed for his health,” the complaint read.

The next morning, Tim Johnson found Seth unresponsive on the mattress, covered in vomit. The couple cleaned him off and began CPR and called 911.

Doctors found he died of acute untreated pancreatitis and possible sepsis. He had sores on his body indicating long periods of immobility.

Following his death, the Johnsons raised more than NZ$9000 to cover funeral costs on crowdfunding website YouCaring.

2022 Jul 17