Information for Release [press release]
Information for Release
Date of the notification to CPS: 4/19/2011
Near Fatality
The date the child suffered the near fatality: 4/19/2011
Child’s name: Roman
Age at time of incident: 3 Years
Perpetrator(s): Osanna Bravo,29; and Angel Bravo, 37.
Age: See above
City, town or general location of residence of the child and perpetrator(s):
At the time of the incident, the child and perpetrators were living in Scottsdale.
A. Circumstances of the fatality or near fatality that indicate it was the result of abuse or neglect:
On April 19, 2011, Roman was found unresponsive on the floor. 9-1-1 was contacted and Roman was taken to the
hospital. At the hospital, Roman was found to have a severe head injury and other injuries which were determined by
physicians to result from non-accidental trauma.
B. Whether CPS has received any reports or past cases of child abuse, abandonment or neglect involving
the child and the current alleged abusive or neglectful parent, guardian or custodian* :
CPS received two prior reports alleging abuse of Roman while in the care of Osanna and Angel Bravo. The first
report was on July 29, 2009, when Roman was taken to the hospital with a fractured arm. CPS and law enforcement
investigated the incident and allegations of abuse were unsubstantiated. The second was received on April 7, 2011,
when it was alleged that Roman had "scratches and bruises all over him" that resulted from the mother hitting him.
CPS interviewed the children and caregivers. Services were offered and the family agreed to participate in counseling
and parenting services. The referral for services had been submitted when the current report was received.
1. Actions taken by CPS in response to the fatality or near fatality of the child including:
CPS jointly investigated the allegations with the Phoenix Police Department.
2. Actions taken regarding the child and/or other children in the home:
A sibling was taken into CPS custody; Roman will also be taken into custody when he is discharged from the hospital.
3. Whether the agency is or intends to provide direct services or service referrals to the family:
Services for the children and family will be determined once the investigation is completed.