exposing the dark side of adoption
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Children for Sale: The Business of Adoption


Children for Sale: The Business of Adoption

Children turn into commodities as profits motivate birth mothers, lawyers, and consultants

Maggie Jackson, AP Business Writer

Promising love, Jim and Mary Ann Cacacie left behind pain.The couple took thousands of dollars from eager parents-to-be, vowing to deliver babies to them in months. But cribs stood empty as the Cacacies retreated into silence."If I saw her tomorrow on the street, I would spit in her face,"said Doreen Vitale, a New Jersey woman who lost $15,000 - her life savings - to the Cacacies. "I have no use for her because of the heartache she put us...

[Excerpt - Read complete article at link or in pdf attached]

1995 Apr 10


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