exposing the dark side of adoption
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Indictment roundup for Feb. 28, 2010


By John Tompkins

ANGLETON — A Brazoria man accused of repeatedly having sex with and performing sex acts with his adopted daughter will face trial for continuous sexual assault of a child.

Prosecutors allege the man, 52, abused the now 14-year-old girl for the past six years.

The Facts is withholding the name of the man because disclosing it could identify the victim.

If convicted, the defendant could face up to life in prison. An indictment is not a finding of guilt, merely a finding enough evidence exists to proceed to trial.

The man lived with the daughter in Ohio before they moved to the Brazoria area about five years ago, police said.

“He had sole custody of her,” Brazoria County Sheriff’s Investigator Paige Newsom said.

The girl told her mother about the assaults during a visitation Feb. 2, Newsom said.

The man was arrested three days later on the charge.

“It is important for us to prioritize these types of cases,” Brazoria County District Attorney Jeri Yenne said.

Yenne said she could not comment further because the case is under litigation.

Attempts to contact the defendant at the Brazoria County Detention Center late Friday were not successful. He was in custody there on $100,000 bond.

2010 Feb 28