Vonda Ferguson sentenced to 65 years in prison for child abuse
By Valerie Lough, Staff Writer Updated 7:05 AM Tuesday, December 8, 2009
SPRINGFIELD — Vonda Ferguson, convicted last month on 32 child abuse related charges, was sentenced to 65 years in prison in Clark County Common Pleas Court Monday, Dec. 7.
Ferguson, 46, was found guilty Nov. 20 of 20 counts of child endangering, two counts of rape and five counts each of permitting child abuse and felonious assault.
She received the same sentence as her husband, James, 49, who was convicted last year of 26 counts of child endangering, felonious assault and permitting child abuse.
One of the Ferguson children, Sherita Lee, 19, said it was difficult for her to forgive Vonda Ferguson.
“I go to church ... and God forgave a lot of people, too,” said Lee.
She spoke in open court and with reporters after the sentencing.
Ferguson and her attorney, Jim Marshall, declined to comment.
Ferguson was accused of using extreme forms of punishment on her five adopted children — hitting them with hammers and belts until they bled, forcing them to eat excrement and burning them with irons — between 2000 and 2004.
Prosecuting attorney David Phillips had asked Common Pleas Judge Richard O’Neill for 85 years, but said he was satisfied with the 65-year sentence.
“(Ferguson) will serve the rest of her life in prison,” said Phillips.
The current foster mother of a 17-year-old who previously lived with Ferguson addressed the court on the boy’s behalf.
She said the teenager still suffers flashbacks, but that he hopes Monday’s sentencing will bring him closure.
“On the way to court (he) said to me, ‘Mom, I feel like I can begin to dream again,’” she said.
The woman is not being identified to protect the identity of the teen.
The children were taken out of the Ferguson home in 2004 and the couple gave up custody of them in 2005.