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Couple gives adopted child back to orphanage


Two years after proudly telling friends they'd adopted a newborn baby in Indonesia, an Irishman and his Azerbaijani wife decided things weren't working out.

The adoptive father, Joseph Dowse, drove to an orphanage on the outskirts of Jakarta with his son and left him there with a box of clothes and toys.

Tristan, 4, now lives with more than 50 others at a Government-run children's home, the victim of a change of heart that has left him without a family and in legal limbo.

He has an Indonesian birth mother but Irish citizenship and won't be eligible for adoption again until the issue of his nationality is settled.

To further complicate matters, the Indonesian Government now says Tristan's 2001 adoption appears to have been illegal.

Police say they want to charge the adoptive parents with child mistreatment.

But they are believed to be in the former Soviet republic of Azerbaijan.

2005 Aug 8