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Police: Chance of 2-year-old surviving minimal, child's aunt and her boyfriend in custody


A 2-year-old boy is fighting for his life at Kosair Children’s Hospital this hour.

According to police, the boy was severely injured at the hands of a family member and now two people are in custody.

Police say the chances of the 2-year-old surviving are minimal.  They say he was admitted with severe bruising and injuries consistent with Shaken Baby Syndrome.

Now, two people are in police custody, the toddler’s aunt, 22-year-old Nereida Allen and her live-in boyfriend, 23-year-old Joshua Peacher. 

The two had legal custody of the child.

They called E.M.S. yesterday to transport the child from their apartment on Holly Park Drive, to Saint Mary’s Medical Center.  The child was later taken to Kosair Children’s Hospital. 

Police say the man and woman both admitted to shaking, jerking and hitting the child as a form of discipline.

E.M.S. arrived to find the child unconscious and unresponsive, which is still his condition at Kosair this evening.

2008 Aug 28