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Killpack Says 'Things Aren't Better' Since Daughter's Death


Richard and Jennete Killpack are charged with child abuse homicide and child abuse. Prosecutors say the couple forced Cassandra to drink so much water -- punishment for stealing her sister's Kool-Aid -- that her brain swelled and she died. One medical expert, though, testified Tuesday that he didn't think the water drinking, called water intoxication, led to Cassandra's death.

Jennete Killpack testified Monday.

Based on Jennete Killpack's previous admissions, she said she choked, struck and bit Cassandra, Ragan asked Richard Killpack if he had considered that his wife -- in addition to Cassandra -- might need psychological therapy. Killpack responded that while their bishop in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints wasn't a professional, he believed his wife's talks with him were sufficient at that time.

"I rely on Jennete's and the bishop's opinion," he said. "I thought she was doing OK."

Ragan asked Richard Killpack if Jennete Killpack's choking of Cassandra during one incident might have had an impact on the girl's ability to bond properly with her mother -- a primary issue with the girl's reactive attachment disorder the couple was trying to rectify with alternative therapies.

"No, it didn't enter my mind," he said.

[excerpt from an article - date estimated]

2005 Oct 6