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Florida hotel identified as scene of child porn photos


Florida hotel identified as scene of child porn photos

Last Updated: Sunday, February 6, 2005 | 8:10 AM ET

CBC News

A Walt Disney hotel in Florida is under investigation as the place where police believe pornographic images of a child were taken and circulated on the internet.

Police in Toronto say they tracked down the hotel after releasing photos from a porn site, showing the locations of sex attacks against a girl who was around 12 years old.

Based on tips from the public, police say the investigation is now focused on the Port Orleans Hotel at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Fla.

One of the altered pictures police used to identify the U.S. hotel.
One of the altered pictures police used to identify the U.S. hotel.

It's believed the girl was from somewhere in Eastern or southern Canada, or the northeastern United States.

Det.-Const. Bill McGarry, an investigator in the Toronto sex crimes unit, used computer technology to erase the victim from the photos.

He told the Toronto Sun newspaper one man who called to identify the hotel e-mailed his own vacation photos, and they matched scenes in photos that police had released.

Within hours of releasing the photos, police were "inundated" with tips from people in the Toronto area about where they thought the pictures may have been taken, said Det. Sgt. Paul Gillespie.

Gillespie said two phone tips naming the same hotel prompted his team to alert the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, which dispatched investigators to the alleged crime scene

2005 Feb 6