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Aichi woman arrested on suspicion of fatally abusing adopted son


Aichi woman arrested on suspicion of fatally abusing adopted son

Friday, December 9, 2005 at 07:19 JST

Japan Today

NAGOYA — Police arrested a woman in Aichi Prefecture on Thursday on suspicion of fatally abusing her 5-year-old adopted son. Yuki Yoshimura, a 26-year-old housewife, allegedly abused Ryuya, damaging his liver and lungs at about 7:50 a.m. on Wednesday at their apartment in Owariasahi. Ryuya died from loss of blood.

The police suspect that Ryuya may have been subject to regular abuse as he had bruises and injuries all over his body, they said. A local child consultation center became aware of the possible abuse in June, but did not see any urgent necessity to deal with the case, they said.

2005 Dec 6