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Tylskis Take Plea Deal In Child Abuse Case


Tylskis Take Plea Deal In Child Abuse Case

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- A retired Jaguar and his wife accused of aggravated child abuse accepted a plea deal with prosecutors on Thursday.

Rich and Jane Tylski were arrested nearly two years ago for what police said was abuse of their former foster child.

Since the couple was first arrested in 2006, the Tylskis have insisted they did nothing wrong; however, in court on Thursday they admitted to something different.

Former NFL offensive guard Rich Tylski told the court he hit the girl with a belt. His wife admitted to bending the child’s fingers back and striking the girl.

Prosecutors said the admissions made in court were all they and the child’s new adoptive family wanted.

“She deserved this. This happened to her, and it’s all we wanted all along for them to admit what they did to her. So, we are very pleased, and want to thank the prosecutors and everyone involved in the case for seeing it through,” said the victim’s adoptive mother, Karla Utley.

Jane Tylski pleaded guilty to aggravated child abuse. She faces two years probation, 100 hours community service and will have to enroll in both an anger management program and a parenting program.

Rich Tylski was put on pretrial intervention so that when he finishes his community service and counseling, the charges against him will be dropped.

“From the beginning of the case, we always knew there was a different level of culpability between Mr. and Mrs. Tylski. Mrs. Tylski was clearly the more culpable defendant in this case,” said prosecutor Alan Mizarhi.

A supporter of the Tylskis said even after Thursday’s admissions she still don’t believe the accusations against the couple.

“I saw two wonderfully, good-hearted, honest people have to stand up and have to admit to something because they had not choice in order to save their family,” said Tylski family friend Nancy Bennett.

The Tylskis were originally arrested after their then-6-year-old foster child told police she was the victim of repeated abuse.

Utley said the girl, who is now 8 year old, is doing fine and adjusting well to her new family.

2008 May 22