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Steinberg Doctor Admits Guilt


Steinberg Doctor Admits Guilt


LEAD: A doctor pleaded guilty yesterday to his role in the unlawful adoption two years ago of a newborn boy by Joel Steinberg and Hedda Nussbaum, the Greenwich Village couple charged in the death of Lisa Steinberg, the 6-year-old girl they raised.

A doctor pleaded guilty yesterday to his role in the unlawful adoption two years ago of a newborn boy by Joel Steinberg and Hedda Nussbaum, the Greenwich Village couple charged in the death of Lisa Steinberg, the 6-year-old girl they raised.

The boy, whose adopted name was Mitchell Steinberg, was returned to his biological parents shortly after the death of Lisa last Nov. 4, from what the police said was a beating. The boy is now named Travis Christian Smigiel.

The Manhattan District Attorney, Robert M. Morgenthau, said the physician, Dr. Peter J. Sarosi, 35 years old, of 430 East 86th Street, faced a sentence of up to one year in prison and possible disciplinary action by the State Health Department.

At a news conference, Mr. Morgenthau said Dr. Sarosi, an obstetrician on the staff of the Beth Israel Medical Center, attended the birth of the boy June 21, 1986. The mother, Nicole Smigiel, had previously agreed to give up the baby for adoption, and the boy was delivered to Mr. Steinberg and Ms. Nussbaum two days later by Dr. Sarosi's partner, Dr. Mitchell Essig, who was not charged.

The doctors had taken over the practice of the late Dr. Michael Bergman, who attended Lisa's birth and who helped deliver her to the couple nearly seven years ago.

Although Mr. Steinberg has been indicted on charges of second-degree murder in Lisa's death, Mr. Morgenthau said he was seriously considering dropping the same charge against Ms. Nussbaum and using her as a witness against Mr. Steinberg.

According to Mr. Morgenthau, Dr. Sarosi, who was released without bail in Criminal Court pending a hearing July 19, violated the section of the Social Services law prohibiting anyone other than an authorized agency or parent, legal guardian or close relative to place a child for adoption.

1988 Jun 1