No Bail Is Set at Steinberg Arraignment
No Bail Is Set at Steinberg Arraignment
LEAD: Joel B. Steinberg in State Supreme Court in Manhattan. He pleaded not guilty to drug and gun charges added in a superseding indictment after he was charged in the beating death of Lisa, the 6-year-old girl he had raised. She was found comatose in his Greenwich Village apartment Nov. 2. A bail request hearing was postponed and he was returned to jail.
Joel B. Steinberg in State Supreme Court in Manhattan. He pleaded not guilty to drug and gun charges added in a superseding indictment after he was charged in the beating death of Lisa, the 6-year-old girl he had raised. She was found comatose in his Greenwich Village apartment Nov. 2. A bail request hearing was postponed and he was returned to jail. (Pool photo by the AP)
1988 Mar 31