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Boy found in basement tied to bucket


Boy found in basement tied to bucket

Tuesday, 11/2/1999

DETROIT -- Detroit police officers arrested a 61-year-old woman Monday who allegedly kept her 9-year-old son strapped to a bucket in her basement. The arrest marked the second time this year police investigated allegations of child abuse against the woman.

Lt. Shelley Foy, head of the Detroit Police child abuse unit, said police found one of the woman's two sons tied to a 5-gallon plastic bucket in the basement of her lower east side home in the 1400 block of Bewick. Foy said a leash around the neck of the boy, who has cerebral palsy, was attached to a cloth belt that tied his wrists to the bucket.

Police say they believe the boy, clad only in a T-shirt, had been tied for at least a day. The bucket contained a large amount of urine, Foy said. Foy said the woman adopted the boy when he was 1 1/2 years old. A 10-year-old boy, whom the woman adopted when he was a week old, appeared unharmed, Foy added. She said both boys were home-schooled by the woman, whose name was not released.

Both boys were placed in emergency foster care, Foy said, adding that police have asked the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office to approve child abuse charges against the woman.

Police made a similar request several weeks ago after investigating allegations that the woman abused a foster child in her care, Foy said. That earlier case involves allegations that a baby girl in the woman's care may have been severely shaken.

"St. John Hospital said she had been shook or struck in the head," said Delores Maxwell, the great-grandmother of the girl. Court records verify Maxwell's account.

Maxwell, who is raising the 1-year-old child, said police began investigating child abuse allegations against the woman two or three months ago.

Nancy Diehl, director of the prosecutor's child and family abuse bureau, did not return calls seeking comment.

Maxwell said she was upset to learn of the latest allegations. She said she urged officials weeks ago to investigate the woman.

"I felt that if she abused one, she abused them all," Maxwell said. Gene Hashley, a spokesman for the Wayne County Family Independence Agency, said he was unaware of the details of the cases. He added, "I'm sure that we are investigating it."

Reach M.L. ELRICK at 313-223-4456 and JACK KRESNAK at 313-223-4544.

Help for abuse

If you suspect someone of abuse, or need help dealing with children, here are some agencies that can help:

To report abuse to the state Family Independence Agency in Wayne County, call 313-396-0300 anytime.

In Oakland County, call 248-975-5010 anytime.

In Macomb County, call 810-412-6109 in Mt. Clemens or 810-254-8005 in Sterling Heights, 8-5 weekdays. After hours and on weekends, call 810-254-1513.

In Washtenaw County, the number is 734-973-9287 anytime.

Statewide, parents who need help can call 800-942-4357 anytime.

The statewide family violence hot line is 800-996-6228 anytime.

This article was kindly provided by Jack Kresnak President & CEO of Michigan's Children

1999 Nov 2