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Star mums rally for orphans

Star mums rally for orphans
Published: Sunday, 22 March 2009, 9:11PM
A group of celebrity mums has launched a new charity to help the world's unwanted children.
Mothers4Children was formed in the wake of an ITV News investigation into the plight of youngsters in Romania's orphanages.
One of the founders, model Lisa B, travelled to the Eastern European country in 2006 to see the harrowing conditions for herself.
She and other stars including TV presenter Tess Daly and model Yasmin Le Bon formed what they describe as a "sisterhood" and a "charity of charities" to get help to the estimated one million orphaned or abandoned children in Europe.
The charity has received the backing of the Duchess of York, who accompanied ITV reporters along with her daughter Beatrice on a trip to Romania to see if conditions have improved.
Shocking footage shows children are still institutionalised, isolated and in some cases left tied to their beds in the country's bleak orphanages.
Speaking at a launch event in Mayfair, central London, Le Bon said: "There's no magic pill. It's not going to be fixed overnight - it takes a concerted effort."
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2009 Mar 22