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Interpol search for Romanian children adopted abroad

Interpol search for Romanian children adopted abroad

29 September 2006 Oana Craciun, Cristina Hurdubaia | 0 comments | 948 views
Rating: 1 votes 
Romanian investigators have asked Interpol to help pick out of children sent abroad for adoption instead of others.
Children adopted only paper in 90 years more foreign families and their possible substitutes are looking for not only police and prosecutors Romans, but also by Interpol. Prosecutors of Section prosecution and criminology from the Prosecutor General Directorate together with officers of the criminal investment tigatii the General Inspectorate of Police (IGP) to investigate the situation of 11 children known to have stayed in Romania, I have arrived to foreign families, but in their place others have left.
Representatives of the Prosecutor has informed us that the prosecutors have asked the Ministry of Administration and Interior (MAI) to the border points through which 11 children destinati international adoptions would have left the country.
Also, it was requested and the identification of individuals who attended and declared the destination on leaving the country. Interpol has the mission to determine if children are adopted, now, to families who have adopted the paper and not in Romania, as suspects actually. Up to today, have not been identified foundations and associations that have been accredited activities involving the adoptions of 11 children, prosecutors have said the Prosecutor General.
First was 40
Kids change before scandal border broke out last year in October. Then Theodora Bertzi, State Secretary at the Romanian Office for Adoptions (ORA), has received information from all over the country that the 40 children who had to reach the 90 families from France, Italy or the U.S. have left the Actually, in Romania, some even in their natural families. After further investigation by the Prosecutor and the MAI, in January 2006, TIME received confirmation that in 11 cases the children were replaced by others and substitution crossed the border on behalf of those who should be adopted officially. Bertzi said that to remove children from the country, have used the passports who have never left and never as minors who have arrived in their place can be stolen or disappeared children. Theodora Bertzi support that the transfer across the border could be done quite easily, having in mind that "up to 14 years of age, a child has no picture on any official document, and adopted children were babies."
Authorities say they were not ever faced with that situation and therefore asked the Prosecutor General and MAI to know exactly who is guilty.
At least four live
"Until this moment, sure that four of the 11 children are in substitute families adoptatoare in Italy and USA, although the children ever live in Romania," he said Theodora Bertzi. In connection with two of them, foreign authorities have given official confirmation that even the name of those children there are others adopt, he said Secretary of State. Therefore, the Romanian authorities had information that at least four lives. The rest is up to 11 Search below.
Interpolul cauta copii romani adoptati in strainatate
29 Sep 2006 Oana Craciun, Cristina Hurdubaia | 0 comentarii | 948 vizualizari
Rating: 1 voturi    

Anchetatorii romani au cerut ajutorul Interpolului pentru a da de urma unor copii trimisi spre adoptie in strainatate in locul altora.
Copiii adoptati doar pe hirtie in anii  90 de mai multe familii straine si eventualii lor substituti sint cautati nu doar de procurorii si politistii romani, ci si prin Interpol. Procurori ai Sectiei de Urmarire Penala si Criminalistica din cadrul Parchetului General impreuna cu ofiterii Directiei de Inves-tigatii Criminale din cadrul Inspectoratului General al Politiei (IGP) cerceteaza situatia celor 11 copii despre care se stie ca au ramas in Romania, n-au mai ajuns la familiile straine, dar ca in locul lor au plecat altii.
Reprezentanti ai Parchetului ne-au informat ca procurorii au solicitat Ministerului Administratiei si Internelor (MAI) sa comunice punctele de frontiera prin care 11 copii destinati adoptiilor internationale ar fi parasit tara.

Totodata, au fost solicitate si datele de identificare ale persoanelor care i-au insotit si destinatia declarata la iesirea din tara. Interpolul are misiunea sa verifice daca minorii adoptati se afla, in prezent, la familiile care i-au adoptat pe hirtie si nu in Romania, asa cum se banuieste de fapt. Pina la ora actuala, nu au fost identificate fundatiile si asociatiile acreditate care au efectuat activitatile de intermediere a adoptiilor celor 11 copii, au mai spus procurorii Parchetului General.
Mai intii au fost 40
Scandalul copiiilor schimbati inainte de granita a izbucnit anul trecut, in luna octombrie. Atunci, Theodora Bertzi, secretar de stat la Oficiul Roman pentru Adoptii (ORA), a primit din toata tara informatii cum ca 40 de copii care ar fi trebuit sa ajunga in anii  90 la familii din Franta, Italia sau SUA au ramas, de fapt, in Romania, unii chiar in familiile lor naturale. Dupa continuarea cercetarilor de catre Parchet si MAI, in ianuarie 2006, ORA a primit confirmarea ca in 11 din cazuri copiii au fost inlocuiti cu altii si substitutii au trecut granita pe numele celor care trebuiau sa fie adoptati oficial. Bertzi a declarat ca, pentru a-i scoate pe copii din tara, s-au folosit pasapoartele celor care nu au mai plecat niciodata si ca minorii care au ajuns in locul lor pot fi "copii furati sau disparuti". Theodora Bertzi sustine ca transferul peste granita a putut fi facut destul de usor, avind in vedere ca "pina la virsta de 14 ani, un copil nu are nici o poza pe vreun document oficial, iar copiii adoptati erau bebelusi."
Autoritatile spun ca nu s-au mai confruntat niciodata cu o astfel de situatie si de aceea au cerut Parchetului General si MAI sa afle exact cine se face vinovat.
Cel putin patru traiesc
"Pina in acest moment, stim sigur ca patru dintre cei 11 copii-substitut se afla la familiile adoptatoare din Italia si SUA, desi copiii de drept traiesc dintotdeauna in Romania", ne-a declarat Theodora Bertzi. In legatura cu doi dintre ei, autoritatile straine au dat chiar confirmari oficiale ca pe numele copiilor respectivi exista altii adoptati, a mai spus secretarul de stat. Asadar, autoritatile romane au informatii ca cel putin cei patru traiesc. Restul pina la 11 sint cautati in continuare.

2006 Sep 29