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Free circulation of orphans

Free circulation of orphans

18 Oct 2006 Oana Craciun | 0 comments | 567 views
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Lobby the Euro-parliamentarians to resume international adoptions used as an argument to free movement within EU of persons, goods, and "why not?", The orphans.
Delegation official visit in Brussels, made up of MEPs Claire Gibault and Jean-Marie Cavada (photo) and a team of journalists, ended yesterday with a press conference in which adoptions resumed the idea that the European solution to the Romanian system of protection. Gibault said the law is necessary only at European level to allow institutionalized children a "mobility" European.
European adoption for children bet -
Initially, the two Euro-parliamentarians, along with 400 others who have signed a statement written in July 2006 addressed to the Romanian Government, militate for the resumption of international adoptions.
But, meanwhile, Gibault and Cavada found another formula that we propose Romania: European adoption "in the EU countries, which would be otherwise than controversatele international adoptions:" We fought for the mobility of goods, women and men in the European Union. Why not a law for the mobility of children ", explained Cavada. In reply, Theodora Bertzi, head of the Romanian Office for Adoptions, said that "there is this notion, because there is a law unique in Europe related to international adoptions. Although Gibault said the Romanian authorities have agreed to rediscutarea law adoptions, Bertzi denied this information. "Prime Minister Tariceanu said very clearly that Romania will not change the law on adoptions," said Bertzi.
Visit the heap
Gibault has asked Romanian authorities to the press not to participate in visits to placement centers, although the French press has had access. In Brasov, Euro-parliamentarians had discussed "private" with two children at the complex "Poiana Sun", shot just French journalists and said the two young men acknowledged the contents of letters with claims have come on board the European Parliament. After a week, children have denied the veracity of the information.

Libera circulatie a orfanilor

18 Oct 2006 Oana Craciun | 0 comentarii | 567 vizualizari
Rating: 0 voturi     

Lobby-ul europarlamentarilor pentru reluarea adoptiilor internationale foloseste ca argument libera circulatie in UE: a persoanelor, a marfurilor si, "de ce nu?", a orfanilor.
Vizita delegatiei oficiale de la Bruxelles, compusa din europarlamentarii Claire Gibault si Jean-Marie Cavada (foto) si o echipa de jurnalisti, s-a incheiat ieri cu o conferinta de presa in care s-a reluat ideea adoptiilor europene ca solutie la sistemul romanesc de protectie. Gibault a declarat ca este necesara o lege unica la nivel european care sa permita copiilor institutionalizati o "mobilitate" europeana.
Adoptie europeana pentru copiii-paria
Initial, cei doi europarlamentari, alaturi de alti peste 400 care au semnat o declaratie scrisa din iulie 2006 adresata Guvernului roman, militau pentru reluarea adoptiilor internationale.

Insa, intre timp, Gibault si Cavada au gasit o alta formula pe care o propun Romaniei: "adoptia europeana", in interiorul tarilor UE, care ar fi altceva decit controversatele adoptii internationale: "Am luptat pentru mobilitatea marfurilor, a femeilor si a barbatilor in Uniunea Europeana. De ce nu si o lege pentru mobilitatea copiilor?", a explicat Cavada. In replica, Theodora Bertzi, seful Oficiului Roman pentru Adoptii, a spus ca "aceasta notiune nu exista, pentru ca nu exista o lege unica in Europa legata de adoptiile internationale". Desi Gibault a declarat ca autoritatile romane au fost de acord cu rediscutarea legii adoptiilor, Bertzi a negat aceasta informatie. "Premierul Tariceanu a spus foarte clar ca Romania nu-si va schimba legislatia privind adoptiile", a spus Bertzi.
Vizita cu buluc
Gibault a cerut autoritatilor ca presa romana sa nu participe la vizitele in centrele de plasament, desi presa franceza a avut acces. La Brasov, europarlamentarul a avut o discutie "privata" cu doi copii de la Complexul "Poiana Soarelui", filmata doar de jurnalistii francezi, si a declarat ca cei doi tineri au recunoscut continutul scrisorilor cu reclamatii ajunse pe masa Parlamentului European. In urma cu o saptamina, copiii au negat veridicitatea acelor informatii.


2006 Oct 18