exposing the dark side of adoption
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I have not been indifferent to the interests of children but we can not ignore the signs of the European Parliament, said Margarit Ganev


    The tendency to limit the number of international adoptions is not a rebellious of the Ministry of Justice, said yesterday the vice-minister Margarit Ganev the special press conference. It has been convened in response to the many publications that criticized the policy of limiting the adoption of Bulgarian children to foreigners in the Council for international adoptions at the Ministry of Justice.

     In 2003, the Minister of Justice gave approval for 595 adoptions of children from Bulgaria to foreigners in 2004 were adopted 236 children from Bulgaria, in 2005 adopted 101 children in 2006 are 98 adoptions. In 2002, the adoptions were more than 1500.

    The problem is that in social institutions, there are 8800 children without parental care, in large part of which the adoption abroad is the only hope to find home and family. Such records for national adoptions are children enrolled in 2451, from 2003 up to now the Ministry dossier arrived in 1898 for adoption. With the speed with which it moves the process for international adoptions, the majority of these children will not have parents abroad, say those who oppose the policy of the ministry. Many children become adults until arrivera ` 'a turn for the Council for adoption guardera their practices. Instead of candidates to be taken not lacking. The correlation between the candidates of foreign adoption and children is 6:1 in the past is here for the 10:1, confirmed yesterday the Deputy Minister Ganev.

    According to him, however, the directive lasting relationships in regular monitoring of the European Commission is categorical: the international adoptions have become the exception. One of the principles of the Convention de l `Aja which Bulgaria has ratified and the changes in the family code of 2003 is that international adoption is an alternative only when a child can not be found suitable family in the country of origin . The best intereresse child is to grow and be educated in 'natural and social environment. Bulgaria can not become a donor of children for adoption as the Columbia and other countries from the Third World, said Katrin Ghi Ken, the chairman of the Commission for Bulgaria - European Community `.

    The Bulgarian authorities are seeking ways to soften that position, says Mr. Ganev. At the meeting with Ms Katrin Ghi Ken has made him the question that the situation in Bulgaria is specific. The majority of children in social institutions and ethnic origin have only 15% of them are without health problems. This reduces their hope of being adopted in Bulgaria. Right now the record for international adoption, there are 267 children, of which 2 / 3 have health problems very serious, said Ganev.

     He, however, believe that attacks against the Ministry of Justice are mainly the result of great competition between the associations accredited intermediary in international adoptions as a result of drastically reduced the number of adoptions abroad. However, has not given clear answer on the demand that the authorities and in a document signed with Bulgaria will be written `l need to take abroad up to 100 children per year in spite of this waiting almost two thousand orphans.

   There are also many transgressions by the leaders of institutions for children who continue to maintain contact with candidates for adoption abroad, despite the ban on confidential information for children. They are mostly foreigners who already have taken one or two children and Bulgarians want to take their sibling on the biological and emotional bond between them. Such attempts are used to circumvent the Bulgarian legislation, the biological link is no precedence for the adoption, it is categorically Margarit Ganev.

    At this time against the Ministry of Justice there is a case by a U.S. couple which has been denied the chance to take the sister of two children already adopted by them.

Just two families of aliens preparing cases. According to Mr. Ganev, however, their claims are absolutely unfounded and the court did not accept.


2007 Feb 6