Campaign against Romania and pressure to resume international adoption
Campaign against Romania and pressure to resume international adoption
Correspondence in Luxembourg from Carmen Dinu - The lobby knew of the European Parliament, led by Claire Gibault and Jean Marie Cavada, and are composed of deputies to the first mandate, which favor the resumption of international adoptions in Romania, in contradiction with a previous decision European institutions, is the pressure in the Legislature on European mentioned.
The action takes place in their full advertising campaign against Romania on the situation of children health care institutions. Thus, Monday "Financial Times" published a whole page in the publicity about the "dramatic and desperate situation" of abandoned children in orphanages in Romania and the serious psychological traumas that they suffer.
Yesterday, former European Parliament rapporteur for Romania, Emma Nicholson Baron, rejected afirmatiile mentioned in the article says that information is "false."
It rejects Iraq action replay of international adoptions and sustain the "Financial Times" has received for publishing the pages over 100,000 dollars. Meanwhile, European deputy says she is not against international adoptions, but he always advocated for orphans in Romania to be finding a new family in their country.
Gibault and Cavada confirm "their hostility against the current policies of Parliament and the European Commission", initiated by Baroness Emma Nicholson and applied by the Government of Romania.
They were joined yesterday by Francois de Combret, French judge at the Court of Auditors,and founder of the association SERA (Solidarité Enfants-Romania-Abandonnés), who submitted a report after his recent visit to Romania.
According to De Combret, on his "dramatic situation" of children in orphanages, which was not improved by adopting new legislation, which could be confirmed by the 2005 UNICEF report, that will be made public soon. And he pleads for the resumption of international adoptions.
Unfortunately, he failled to mention anything about the fact that some children adopted abroad are mistreated by adoptive parents, currently being under ongoing investigation by the Romanian Office for Adoptions (ORA) related to the case of a minor abused by his Spanish adoptive parents.
Two days after the Iberica press made the story public, Theodora Bertzi, secretary of state and chief of ROA, has announced to ask the Spanish authorities to clarify this situation. It states that, although adoption was conducted under the rules in force at that time important steps were omitted , such as the period in which the child and adoptive parents were to spend time together, to see to what extent they match.
On the other hand, the social survey conducted on the Spanish couple revealed that the mother had been subjected to a psychiatric treatment when she was 12-14 years.
Author: Carmen DINU
Tuesday, June 13 2006 - 02:00 PM
Correspondence in Luxembourg from Carmen Dinu - The lobby knew of the European Parliament, led by Claire Gibault and Jean Marie Cavada, and are composed of deputies to the first mandate, which favor the resumption of international adoptions in Romania, in contradiction with a previous decision European institutions, is the pressure in the Legislature on European mentioned.
The action takes place in their full advertising campaign against Romania on the situation of children health care institutions. Thus, Monday "Financial Times" published a whole page in the publicity about the "dramatic and desperate situation" of abandoned children in orphanages in Romania and the serious psychological traumas that they suffer.
Yesterday, former European Parliament rapporteur for Romania, Emma Nicholson Baron, rejected afirmatiile mentioned in the article says that information is "false."
It rejects Iraq action replay of international adoptions and sustain the "Financial Times" has received for publishing the pages over 100,000 dollars. Meanwhile, European deputy says she is not against international adoptions, but he always advocated for orphans in Romania to be finding a new family in their country.
Gibault and Cavada confirm "their hostility against the current policies of Parliament and the European Commission", initiated by Baroness Emma Nicholson and applied by the Government of Romania.
They were joined yesterday by Francois de Combret, French judge at the Court of Auditors,and founder of the association SERA (Solidarité Enfants-Romania-Abandonnés), who submitted a report after his recent visit to Romania.
According to De Combret, on his "dramatic situation" of children in orphanages, which was not improved by adopting new legislation, which could be confirmed by the 2005 UNICEF report, that will be made public soon. And he pleads for the resumption of international adoptions.
Unfortunately, he failled to mention anything about the fact that some children adopted abroad are mistreated by adoptive parents, currently being under ongoing investigation by the Romanian Office for Adoptions (ORA) related to the case of a minor abused by his Spanish adoptive parents.
Two days after the Iberica press made the story public, Theodora Bertzi, secretary of state and chief of ROA, has announced to ask the Spanish authorities to clarify this situation. It states that, although adoption was conducted under the rules in force at that time important steps were omitted , such as the period in which the child and adoptive parents were to spend time together, to see to what extent they match.
On the other hand, the social survey conducted on the Spanish couple revealed that the mother had been subjected to a psychiatric treatment when she was 12-14 years.
Author: Carmen DINU
Tuesday, June 13 2006 - 02:00 PM
Campanie împotriva României ?i presiuni pentru reluarea adop?iilor interna?ionale | |
Coresponden?? din Luxembourg de la Carmen Dinu - Grupul de lobby-sti din Parlamentul European, condus de Claire Gibault si Jean Marie Cavada, si format din deputati aflati la primul mandat, care sunt favorabili reluarii adoptiilor internatioanale in Romania, in contradictie cu decizia anterioara a institutiilor europene, face din nou presiuni in forul legislativ european pe tema mentionata. Actiunea lor are loc in plina campanie publicitara impotriva Romaniei pe tema situatiei copii aflati institutiile de ocrotire. Astfel, luni « Financial Times » a publicat o pagina intreaga, in regim de publicitate, despre « situatia dramatica si disperata » a copiilor abandonati in orfelinatele din Romania si despre traumele psihice grave de care sufera ei. Ieri, fostul raportor al Parlamentului European pentru Romania, baroana Emma Nicholson, a respins afirmatiile din articolul mentionat si spune ca informatiile sunt « false ». Ea respinge actiunea cotidianului britanic de reluare a adoptiilor internationale si sustine ca « Financial Times » a incasat pentru publicarea respectivei pagini peste 100.000 de dolari. In acelasi timp, deputatul european spune ca, ea nu este impotriva adoptiilor internationale, dar ca a pledat intotdeauna pentru ca orfanilor din Romania sa li se gaseasca o noua familie in tara lor. Gibault si Cavada confirma « ostilitatea lor impotriva actualei politici a Parlamentului si Comisiei Europene», initiata de baroana Emma Nicholson si aplicata de Guvernul roman. Lor li s-a adaugat ieri si François de Combret, magistrat la Curtea franceza de Conturi, si fondator al asociatiei SERA (Solidarité Enfants-Roumanie-Abandonnés), care a prezentat un raport dupa recenta sa vizita in Romania. Potrivit lui Combret, concluziile sale referitoare la « situatia dramatica » a copiilor din orfelinate, care nu s-a ameliorat nicidecum prin adoptarea noii legislatii, ar putea fi confirmate de raportul UNICEF pe 2005, care va fi dat in curand publicitatii. Si el pledeaza pentru reluarea adoptiilor internationale. Din pacate, cei mentionati nu spun nimic despre faptul ca unii copii adoptati in strainatate sunt maltratati de parintii adoptivi, in prezent fiind in plina desfasurare o ancheta a Oficiului Roman pentru Adoptii (ORA) legata de cazul unui minor roman maltratat de parintii sai adoptivi spanioli. La doua zile dupa ce presa iberica a facut publica povestea in cauza, Theodora Bertzi, secretar de stat si seful ORA, a anuntat ca cerut autoritatilor spaniole clarificarea acestei situatii. Ea sustine ca, desi adoptia s-a derulat conform normelor in vigoare la acea data, au fost omise etape importante, cum ar fi parcurgerea perioadei in care copilul si parintele adoptiv petrec un timp impreuna, pentru a se vedea in ce masura se potrivesc. Pe de alta parte, ancheta sociala efectuata asupra cuplului de spanioli a relevat ca mama fusese supusa unui tratatment psihiatric pe cand avea 12-14 ani. | |
Autor : Carmen DINU Mar?i, 13 Iunie 2006 - 02:00 PM |
2006 Jun 13