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Exports of Romanian children continues (Economy)

Exports of Romanian children continues (Economy)
         70 children were removed from the country, officially, between 2000 - 2005, to be treated abroad, is shown in an address to the National Authority for Child Protection (ANPDC), in response to questions raised by the daily Gandul. ANPDC "not currently holds data on children traveled abroad on medical treatment and returned home. What happened to these children, who seem to have been lost then? Many of them are now on many years after they left the country in the supervision of foreigners. Guardianship has become the mask adoption, especially after Romania has established famous moratorium which put an end to international adoptions business.

We are in possession of several documents that prove this mechanism.

Of the 70 children who left the country for medical reasons, 69 were retrieved and transported to 6 NGOs.

Among them are SERA (Solidarite Enfants Roumains Abandonnes), founded by Frenchman businessman Francois de Combret in 1990. De Combret is a fervent supporter of the resumption of international adoptions, located at the origin of the approaches that have resulted in the July 10 resolution of the European Parliament, which requires the revision of the Romanian 1092 files adoption.

Although officially take charge of improving the condition of small abandoned Romanians in their country of origin, SERA took out of the country, according to some sources, hundreds of children. SERA in leaflets distributed in thousands of copies, displayd, in the pre-moratorium, photos of which little is said that "suffering in Romania" and are "adopted". About other states that have arrived in welcoming homes of French families.

Because officialy SERA never did adoptions, how one organization for the export of Romanian children in France was medical treatment. With the family, legal representative of children and / or authorities (county commissions to protect children's rights) and based on a medical certificate, the children were removed from the country, with several days of visa for medical treatment "urgent" -- usually surgery. How, necum, treatments have been extended indefinitely, and the children concerned have found that families of worn out. French state gave those families guardianship of children by court verdicts. The fact is acknowledged in writing, even of himself, Mr. the Combret, in an attempt imbunare one of the French organizations who discovered a minor maltratat Roman family in which guardianship is located. We will not devo, for now, the name of the child (and others are in similar situations), but we can make documents available to the authorities concerned.

In acceptance of the Romanian authorities, "the legal representatives of children go to treatment, where appropriate, parents / commission for child protection from their residence, and according to French authorities, the legal representatives of the same children are French citizens. Certainly, the representatives are in fact foreign Romania. robert.veress @ gandul.info


Exportul de copii romani continua (Economie)

2.0 Homepage Exportul de copii romani continua       70 de copii au fost scosi din tara, oficial, in perioada 2000 - 2005, pentru a fi tratati in strainatate, se arata intr-o adresa a Autoritatii Nationale pentru Protectia Drepturilor Copilului (ANPDC), ca raspuns la intrebarile formulate de cotidianul Gandul. ANPDC "nu detine in prezent date cu privire la copiii deplasati in strainatate la tratament medical si care au revenit in tara". Ce s-a intamplat cu acesti copii, carora pare ca li s-a pierdut urma? Multi dintre ei se afla si acum, la multi ani dupa ce au parasit tara, in tutela unor cetateni straini. Tutela a devenit forma mascata de adoptie, in special dupa ce Romania a instituit celebrul Moratoriu care a pus capat afacerii adoptiilor internationale.

Ne aflam in posesia mai multor documente care demonstreaza acest mecanism.

Din cei 70 de copii care au parasit tara pe considerente medicale, 69 au fost preluati si transportati de 6 ONG-uri.

Printre acestea, se numara SERA (Solidarite Enfants Roumains Abandonnes), infiintata de afaceristul francez Francois de Combret, in 1990. De Combret este un sustinator fervent al reluarii adoptiilor internationale, aflandu-se la originea demersurilor care s-au soldat cu Rezolutia din 10 iulie a Parlamentului European, prin care se cere Romaniei revizuirea a 1092 de dosare de adoptie.

Desi, oficial, se ocupa de imbunatirea conditiei micutilor romani abandonati in tara lor de origine, SERA a scos din tara, conform unor surse, sute de copii. In pliantele SERA, distribuite in zeci de mii de exemplare, se afisau, in perioada pre-Moratoriu, fotografiile unor micuti despre care se afirma ca "sufera in Romania" si ca sunt "adoptabili". Despre altii se precizeaza ca au ajuns in caminele primitoare ale unor familii de francezi.

Pentru ca, oficial, SERA nu s-a ocupat niciodata de adoptii, modalitatea aleasa de organizatie pentru exportul minorilor romani in Franta a fost tratamentul medical. Cu acordul familiei, al reprezentantilor legali ai copiilor si / sau al autoritatilor (comisiilor judetene pentru protectia drepturilor copilului) si in baza unui certificat medical, copiii au fost scosi din tara, cu viza de cateva zile, pentru tratamente medicale "de urgenta" - de regula, interventii chirurgicale. Cum, necum, tratamentele s-au prelungit indefinit, iar pentru copiii in cauza s-au gasit familii care sa le poarte de grija. Statul francez a acordat acestor familii tutela copiilor, prin sentinte judecatoresti. Faptul este recunoscut, in scris, chiar de insusi dl. de Combret, in incercarea de imbunare a uneia dintre organizatiile franceze care a descoperit un minor roman maltratat de familia in tutela careia se afla. Nu vom devoala, pentru moment, numele minorului (si al altora aflati in situatii asemanatoare), dar putem pune documentele doveditoare la dispozitia autoritatilor interesate.

In acceptiunea autoritatilor romane, "reprezentantii legali ai copiilor plecati la tratament sunt, dupa caz, parintii / comisia pentru protectia copilului de la domiciliul acestora", iar conform autoritatilor franceze, reprezentantii legali ai acelorasi copii sunt cetateni francezi. Cu siguranta, reprezentantii de facto sunt straini de Romania. robert.veress@gandul.info
2006 Nov 7