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Blood Money: international adoptions

Bir Blood: international adoptions
George DAMIAN 
(Google translation)Exports of children from Romania to Western markets was started in 1994, when it was adopted law 84/1994, which made possible such transactions. In the same year were exported 2,000 children. In the following years the number of children adopted from Romanian citizens of Western countries has declined, reaching in 1997 to only 800. In 1998, exports jumped sharply again in the figure of 2,000 in 1999 to 2600 and in 2000 (one year before the blocking process) was adopted by the 3000 International Children in Romania. A report in 2001 - made the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) - said: "Almost every discussion we have had about adoptions in Romania included the use of commercial terms, such as <<licitatie>>, < <piata>> and <<pret>>. Frequently, those with whom I spoke were excused for inappropriate use of these terms, but explained that they best describe the situation. This shows how deeply the system is affected international adoptions Romania influence of money and may help to explain concerns about changing children's money. "As pointed out USAID, nor the kind of feeling and desire chosen to save children - the question was a purely commercial. Real Networks has started to export, which provides consulting, organized "visionary" and collect fat checks. Until 2001, Romania was in a worse situation than the one region of Africa coloniala: children were sent to export heavy money. Intermediaries such transactions: a flock of non-governmental organizations, which ostensibly deals with the protection of abandoned children. Thousands of such NGOs have acted apartment in Romania until 2001, when they disappeared with the suspension of export of children. They disappeared with all their archives (which by law must incredinteze State Archives or so at least keep intact) and thereby making more difficult the process of tracking children adoptati.But here is the big problem: the Romanian authorities can not know with certainty what happens to children left thousands of miles from home. The reports may well be some falsuri - as if pedofilului American Peckenpaugh that the Bucharest authorities knew only beautiful things. U.S. authorities have found that Peckenpaugh violated repeatedly his adopted boy from Romania and sent him behind bars for the next 30 years. There is the possibility inspaimantatoare - nedovedita until now - that some children from Romania to export or use as providers of organs Exchange. In any event, the Romanian authorities can not protect the interests of a Romanian citizen, even if it is minor.
Besides side "commercial" and the dangers posed by the international adoptions and a delicate political side. This process has generated ongoing pressures of superior strength. A period in Bucharest was thought that the export of children is located between the hammer nicovala EU and U.S. - as long as American ambassadors advocated reopening the process, and demanded Euro Nicholson blocking. A coup naucitoare came alaltaieri in Brussels: European Liberals were twisted and the Romanian children will export. Combination of political-economic pressure Romania in this direction. Directly involved: Francois de Combret, member of the Governing Board of Renault and concern EADS. If Combret of land in Bucharest have great doubts that they will find someone to say "no." We already have the example in 2001, revealed here by Sorin Rosca Stanescu, when in full scandal of adoptions, with procedures in infiere frozen officially Ringier asked Prime Minister Nastase a child for adoption, and the official novel presents a series of proposals. It seems strange that no authority in Bucharest was not hurried to investigate cazul. Deocamdata no obligation to the international legislation for Romania to open adoptions process, at least so say legal experts in the UK. All this new circus with international adoptions is not just a political game. It remains to be seen if the politicians in Bucharest will have enough strength to resist pressures. Birul blood is on Romanian troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, in the conditions in which only 33% of Americans support the May armed interventions. But Romanians are major soldiers and volunteers - is not needed as innocent children to be part of this bir.


Bir de sange: adoptiile internationale
Exportul de copii din Romania catre pietele occidentale a fost demarat in 1994, cand a fost adoptata legea 84/1994 care facea posibile astfel de tranzactii. In acelasi an au fost exportati 2000 de copii. In urmatorii ani numarul copiilor romani adoptati de cetateni ai statelor occidentale a scazut, ajungand in 1997 la doar 800. In 1998 exportul a sarit din nou brusc la cifra de 2000, in 1999 la 2600, iar in anul 2000 (cu un an inainte de blocarea acestui proces) au fost adoptati international 3000 de copii din Romania. Un raport din 2001 - alcatuit de Agentia Statelor Unite pentru Dezvoltare Internationala (USAID) - afirma: "Aproape fiecare discutie pe care am avut-o despre adoptii in Romania a inclus folosirea unor termeni comerciali, cum ar fi <<licitatie>>, <<piata>> si <<pret>>. Frecvent, cei cu care am vorbit s-au scuzat pentru folosirea acestor termeni nepotriviti, insa au explicat ca acestia descriu cel mai bine situatia. Acest fenomen releva cat de profund este afectat sistemul adoptiilor internationale din Romania de influenta banilor si poate ajuta la explicarea ingrijorarilor referitoare la schimbarea copiilor pe bani".
Dupa cum a relevat USAID, nici pomeneala de sentimente alese si dorinta de a salva copii - chestiunea era una strict comerciala. Au aparut adevarate retele de export, care asigurau consultanta, organizau "vizionari" si incasau cecuri grase. Pana in 2001, Romania s-a aflat intr-o situatie mai rea decat o regiune din Africa coloniala: copiii erau trimisi la export pe bani grei. Intermediarii acestor tranzactii: un ciopor de organizatii neguvernamentale, care chipurile se ocupau de protectia copiilor abandonati. Mii de astfel de ONG-uri de apartament au actionat in Romania pana in 2001, cand au disparut odata cu suspendarea exportului de copii. Si au disparut cu tot cu arhiva lor (pe care conform legii trebuiau s-o incredinteze Arhivelor Statului sau s-o pastreze cel putin intacta) facand astfel si mai dificil procesul de urmarire a copiilor adoptati.
Tocmai aici este marea problema: autoritatile statului roman nu pot sti cu certitudine ce se intampla cu copiii plecati la mii de kilometri de tara. Iar rapoartele primite pot fi foarte bine niste falsuri - asa cum a fost in cazul pedofilului american Peckenpaugh despre care autoritatile de la Bucuresti stiau doar lucruri frumoase. Autoritatile americane au aflat ca Peckenpaugh a violat in repetate randuri baietelul adoptat din Romania si l-au trimis dupa gratii pentru urmatorii 30 de ani. Mai exista si posibilitatea inspaimantatoare - nedovedita pana in prezent - ca unii copii exportati din Romania sa fie folositi drept furnizori de organe de schimb. In orice caz, autoritatile romane nu pot proteja interesele unui cetatean roman, chiar daca acesta este minor.
Pe langa latura "comerciala" si pericolele ridicate de adoptiile internationale apare si o delicata latura politica. Acest proces a suscitat permanent presiuni ale unor forte superioare. O perioada, la Bucuresti s-a crezut ca exportul de copii se gaseste intre ciocanul SUA si nicovala UE - atata vreme cat ambasadorii americani sustineau redeschiderea procesului, iar eurodeputata Nicholson cerea blocarea. O lovitura naucitoare a venit alaltaieri de la Bruxelles: liberalii europeni s-au sucit si vor copii romani la export.
Combinatii politico-economice preseaza Romania in aceasta directie. Implicat direct: Francois de Combret, membru in consiliul de administratie al Renault si nas al concernului EADS. Daca aterizeaza de Combret la Bucuresti am mari indoieli ca se va gasi cineva sa-i spuna "nu". Avem deja exemplul din 2001, dezvaluit tot aici de Sorin Rosca Stanescu, cand in plin scandal al adoptiilor, cu procedurile de infiere inghetate in mod oficial, Ringier i-a solicitat premierului Nastase un copil pentru adoptie, iar oficialul roman i-a prezentat o serie de oferte. Mi se pare ciudat ca nici o autoritate de la Bucuresti nu s-a grabit sa investigheze cazul.
Deocamdata nu exista nici o obligatie la nivelul legislatiei internationale pentru Romania de a deschide procesul adoptiilor, cel putin asa afirma experti juridici din Marea Britanie. Tot acest nou circ cu adoptiile internationale nu este altceva decat un joc politic. Ramane de vazut daca oamenii politici de la Bucuresti vor avea destula putere sa reziste presiunilor. Birul de sange il platesc militarii romani din Irak si Afganistan, in conditiile in care doar 33% dintre americani mai sustin aceste interventii armate. Insa militarii romani sunt majori si voluntari - nu este nevoie ca si copii nevinovati sa fie parte a acestui bir.
2006 Nov 11