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Organs-for sale orphan Audrey Moncur to move to Germany


Organs-for sale orphan Audrey Moncur to move to Germany
Dec 28 2008 By Gayle Ritchie
AN orphan who was saved from being slaughtered for his organs is moving to Germany with his adoptive parents.
Andrey Moncur, 13, was just five years old when his Russian grandmother tried to sell him for £65,000.
His story captured the hearts of Shaun and Josephine Moncur who saw him on TV. The pair resolved to adopt him and, after years battling red tape, took him to their farmhouse in Beith, Ayrshire, in 2003.
Andrey cannot wait to live in Germany with his five brothers.
Josephine, 46, said: "We're moving to Germany to run a hotel. Andrey has settled in to life in Scotland well but things could get more difficult as he gets older.
"It's hard for him when people in the neighbourhood rake up his past. We want to leave it behind and let him lead a normal life."
His granny Nina Tkacheva took him from his orphanage and told him a businessman was bringing him to Disneyland Paris. But she secretly planned to sell his organs for transplants on the black market for £65,000.
Police arrested her as she picked up the fee.
2008 Dec 28