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Mrs. Reagan Acts to Aid Adoption of Peruvian


AROUND THE NATION; Mrs. Reagan Acts to Aid Adoption of Peruvian, 3

Published: September 10, 1982

Three-year-old Anita Asto's heart was operated upon today, and the wife of the President of the United States and the wife of the President of Peru are trying to help her get an American mother.

While Anita was in the hospital recovery room, Nancy Reagan was on the telephone to the First Lady in Lima, Violetta Belaunde, Mrs. Reagan's press aide reported.

Mrs. Reagan had received a plea from Diane Ulchak of Quincy, Mass., who with her husband, Robert, brought Anita to the United States and sought to adopt her.

Anita was born with only one heart ventricle instead of two, and an operation was needed. Mrs. Reagan explained that the Ulchaks did not have the time or money to go to Peru for adoption procedures. Mrs. Belaunde told Mrs. Reagan that a Presidential recommendation had gone out to speed the adoption process.

1982 Sep 10