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Berlusconi and Nastase, trafficking in children

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Berlusconi and Nastase, trafficking in children

Publication date: 23/01/2004
Vice President of the Commission of Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament, Emma Nicholson accused the Romanian government made a gift of 105 children to Berlusconi sent for adoption in Italy. Executive admits that the novel broke moratorium on international adoptions and give the corner in the corner

Baroness Emma Nicholson of Winterbourne harshly criticized after two days' violation by Romania of the moratorium on international adoptions and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. " Baroness, who is vice chairman of the Committee of Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament, claims that he heard that, after a visit to Romania Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, Romanian authorities have decided to send 105 orphans for adoption in Italy.

Emma Nicholson condemns this step, "which questions the fruitful cooperation between Romania and the European Parliament, in this issue." It warns that Romania joins the European Union depends on the fulfillment of the Copenhagen criteria and consider that the agreement with Italy is an act "worrying" in terms of political fulfill these criteria. Also, Baroness require "an immediate and full explanation of" the Romanian government and Italian Prime Minister. At the same time, it requires the European Commission to investigate the situation quickly. Communication, formulated in terms very tough, came after a favorable draft report on Romania's progress in negotiations with the EU, presented the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament.

Government confirms

Romania has given in December for adoption of 105 children by Italian couples, despite the moratorium decided by Bucharest in June 2001, said yesterday the AFP Gabriela Coman, Secretary of State for child protection. "We have taken this decision after carefully reviewing each case. It is about exceptional circumstances, we've approved under a special procedure and would be an error to talk about a violation of the embargo on adoptions of children by foreign citizens, "she stated. At the beginning of December, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi asked in a letter omologului or Romanian Adrian Nastase, "quick lifting of the moratorium, while an Italian parliamentary delegation came to Bucharest to ask authorities to adopt" urgent "100 children by Italian families. "I can talk about pressure from Italy about these adoptions," added Gabriela Coman. Nearly 800 children were adopted by foreign couples after the entry into force of the moratorium, especially in cases where adoption procedures had already started and create links had been affected. Over 1,500 families Spanish, American, Italian or French are today, on the waiting list for the roughly 5,000 Romanian children able to consider adoption.

Nastase: Europe is to blame

Prime Minister Adrian Nastase claims that Rom? Romania is not guilty for? Ncalcarea moratorium on international adoptions. Chief Executive says that our country wants a law to regulate adoptions situation in May but wait? Night? The European model that does not exist currently. Prime Minister explained that because of this Rom? Romania allowed the adoption of 105 children by several Italian couples. In turn, or Romanian Foreign Minister Mircea Geoana, said that Romania has not violated the suspension moratorium on international adoptions, but was just about cases in which point there was the guarantee of governments and the procedures involved were advanced. t

MEP requires a suspension of negotiations

Deputy European Arie Oostlander asked the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament, the suspension of accession negotiations of Romania to the European Union. During the discussion in the Commission report on Romania, conservative deputy has said that "Romania is not a state of law, because of the coruptiei inspaimintatoare and catastrophic situation of children orphaned." Official warned that "if Romania does not change profoundly, to respect the principles of rule of law, to look for accession to the European Union." "The situation of the rule of law not only not improved but deteriorated to the right. We can not accept this. The entire public administration is ruined by corruption. In these circumstances, it is difficult for Romania to make progress, "he said. Oostlander and has expressed concern regarding the situation of children orphaned, but also against "marriages children" and said that "journalists who criticize the government are not safe." Prime Minister Adrian Nastase said in reply that by Dutch Arie Oostlander, who requested suspension of its accession negotiations with Romania to the EU, the Christian Democrat and has a "personal problem" in that PNTCD not entered in parliament.

Nastase si Berlusconi, traficanti de copii

Data publicarii: 23/01/2004

Vicepresedinte al Comisiei de Afaceri Externe din Parlamentul European, Emma Nicholson acuza Guvernul roman ca a facut cadou lui Berlusconi 105 copii trimisi spre infiere in Italia. Executivul roman recunoaste ca a incalcat moratoriul asupra adoptiilor internationale si da din colt in colt

Baroneasa Emma Nicholson de Winterbourne a criticat dur in urma cu doua zile „incalcarea de catre Romania a moratoriului asupra adoptiilor internationale si a Conventiei Natiunilor Unite pentru Drepturile Copilului“. Baroneasa, care este vicepresedinte al Comisiei de Afaceri Externe din Parlamentul European, sustine ca a aflat ca, dupa vizita in Romania a premierului italian Silvio Berlusconi, autoritatile romane au decis sa trimita 105 copii orfani spre infiere, in Italia.

Emma Nicholson condamna acest pas, „care pune sub semnul intrebarii cooperarea fructuoasa dintre Romania si Parlamentul European, in aceasta problema“. Ea avertizeaza ca aderarea Romaniei la Uniunea Europeana depinde de indeplinirea criteriilor de la Copenhaga si considera ca acordul cu Italia este un act „ingrijorator“ din punct de vedere al indeplinirii acestor criterii politice. De asemenea, baroneasa cere „o explicatie completa si imediata“ Guvernului roman si premierului italian. In acelasi timp, ea cere Comisiei Europene sa investigheze rapid situatia. Comunicatul, formulat in termeni foarte duri, a venit dupa un proiect de raport favorabil privind progresele Romaniei in negocierile cu UE, prezentat in Comisia pentru Afaceri Externe a Parlamentului European.

Guvernul confirma

Romania si-a dat acordul, in decembrie, pentru adoptarea a 105 copii de catre cupluri italiene, in pofida moratoriului decis de Bucuresti in iunie 2001, a declarat ieri pentru AFP Gabriela Coman, secretar de stat pentru protectia copilului. „Am luat aceasta decizie dupa ce am analizat cu atentie fiecare caz. Este vorba despre situatii exceptionale, pe care le-am aprobat conform unei proceduri speciale si ar fi o eroare sa vorbim despre o incalcare a embargoului asupra adoptiilor de copii de catre cetateni straini“, a precizat ea. La inceputul lunii decembrie, premierul italian Silvio Berlusconi a cerut, intr-o scrisoare adresata omologului sau roman, Adrian Nastase, „ridicarea rapida a moratoriului“, in timp ce o delegatie parlamentara italiana a venit la Bucuresti pentru a cere autoritatilor adoptarea „de urgenta“ a 100 de copii de catre familii italiene. „Nu as putea vorbi despre presiuni din partea Italiei in privinta acestor adoptii“, a adaugat Gabriela Coman. Circa 800 de copii au fost adoptati de cupluri straine dupa intrarea in vigoare a moratoriului, in special in cazurile in care procedurile de adoptie fusesera deja incepute si fusesera create legaturi afective. Peste 1.500 de familii spaniole, americane, italiene sau franceze se afla, in prezent, pe lista de asteptare pentru cei circa 5.000 de copii romani considerati apti pentru adoptie.

Nastase: Europa este de vina

Premierul Adrian Nastase sustine ca Rom?nia nu este vinovata pentru ?ncalcarea moratoriului privind adoptiile internationale. Seful Executivului spune ca tara noastra doreste o lege care sa reglementeze situatia adoptiilor dar asteapta mai ?nt?i modelul european care nu exista la ora actuala. Premierul a explicat ca din aceasta cauza Rom?nia a permis adoptia a 105 copii de catre mai multe cupluri italiene. La rindul sau, ministrul roman de Externe, Mircea Geoana, a declarat ca Romania nu a incalcat moratoriul privind suspendarea adoptiilor internationale, ci a fost vorba doar despre cazuri punctuale in care a existat garantia unor guverne si in care procedurile de adoptie erau avansate. t

Un deputat european cere suspendarea negocierilor

Deputatul european Arie Oostlander a cerut in Comisia de Afaceri Externe a Parlamentului European, suspendarea negocierilor de aderare a Romaniei la Uniunea Europeana. In timpul discutarii in Comisie a raportului privind Romania, deputatul conservator a afirmat ca „Romania nu este un stat de drept, din cauza coruptiei inspaimintatoare si a situatiei catastrofice a copiilor orfani“. Oficialul a avertizat ca, „daca Romania nu se schimba profund, pentru a respecta principiile unui stat de drept, poate sa uite de aderarea la Uniunea Europeana“. „Situatia statului de drept nu numai ca nu s-a imbunatatit, dar s-a deteriorat de-a dreptul. Nu putem sa acceptam acest lucru. Intreaga administratie publica este stricata de coruptie. In aceste conditii, este dificil pentru Romania sa faca progrese“, a spus el. Oostlander si-a exprimat ingrijorarea fata de situatia copiilor orfani, dar si fata de „casatoriile intre copii“ si a spus ca „jurnalistii care critica guvernul nu sint in siguranta“. Premierul Adrian Nastase a declarat in replica, ca deputatul olandez Arie Oostlander, care a cerut suspendarea negocierilor de aderare a Romaniei la UE, este crestin-democrat si are o „problema personala“ in legatura cu faptul ca PNTCD nu a intrat in Parlament.

2004 Jan 24