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Bulgaria's Fresh Adoption Legislation Vetoed

Bulgaria's Fresh Adoption Legislation Vetoed
27 June 2003, Friday
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Bulgaria?s President Georgi Parvanov voiced concerns that Bulgaria would give away children for adoption abroad too readily . Photo by Yuliana Nikolova (novinite.com)
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The president vetoed recent Family Act amendments constituting adoption of Bulgarian children. His main motive announced on Friday was that the revision did not properly prioritize domestic adoptions.

According to President Georgi Parvanov, the controversial motion will limit the selection of Bulgarian adopters thus creating more opportunities for foreigners willing to parent Bulgarian children. The head of state insisted that the parliament should protect the rights of indigenous adopters more efficiently.

The veto was inspired by the mounting protests from NGOs that have talked their way into meeting with the president at the start of this week.

Child rights activists fret the amendments might give way to corruption. The NGOs first sounded alarm that the fresh legislation offers Bulgarian children to foreigners too readily.

To adopt a Bulgarian child foreign nationals should seek the permission of the country's justice minister according to the controversial amendments. The permissions is to be issued individually for any adoption request.

Foreigners are allowed to adopt a Bulgarian child in case all attempts for accommodation with relations and family friends have failed and after three Bulgarian candidates have refused to take the child within six months.

2003 Jun 27