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Czech fund fined for unauthorised offering kids for adoption


Czech fund fined for unauthorised offering kids for adoption

published: 10.11.2008, 18:08 | updated: 10.11.2008 18:26:37

Pokuta za nezákonné adopce

Prague - The Czech Labour and Social Affairs Ministry today approved the fine imposed on the Fund for Endangered Children (FOD) for unauthorised offering of children for adoption, Daniel Hovorka, from the ministry, told the server Aktualne.cz today.

The FOD will pay for having provided children to childless couples to adopt without being authorised to do so.

"This is the most serious delict in the area of social and legal protection of children we've ever dealt with," he said.

Inspectors in three regions have reported cases of the FOD mediating adoption of children between childless couples and pregnant women in unfavourable social situation.

The ministry today approved the Plzen regional authorities' decision to fine the FOD 80,000 crowns.

In the days to come it is to discuss similar fines proposed by the South Bohemia and Moravia-Silesia regions.

The ministry said the unlawful character of the FOD workers' conduct in mediating the adoptions is indisputable. Under the law, any mediation of adoption is unlawful and opens space to corruption, the ministry said.

Bribe taking on the part of the FOD staffers has not been proved, however.

FOD chairwoman Marie Vodickova insists no violation of law has occurred. "It is unbelievable that they want to punish the one who is trying to help," Vodickova told Aktualne.cz.

She said the FOD would try to reverse the fine, even by bringing the case to court.

($1=19.677 crowns)

Author: ?TK

2008 Nov 10