exposing the dark side of adoption
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The shocking truth


Tuesday, 5 February 2008

The shocking truth

CNN recently broadcasted the documentary Romanian Sex Trade made by Chris Rogers (ITV). Towards the end of my book, in 2006, one can read how another one of Chris Rogers' documentaries on Romanian children was used by the pro-adoption activists in the European Parliament, in his own presence.

Just before that, Chris Rogers had gone undercover to expose how Romanian mothers were willing to sell their children. However, at the time of writing the book, I did not yet know how that documentary was made.

Last week, another Chris Rogers documentary was broadcasted worldwide by CNN. This time on the Romanian Sex Trade.
The UK Daily Mail dedicated an article to it:
The shocking truth about the vice trade: Girls of 14 working as sex slaves.

The US-based Adoption Policy Center eagerly welcomed this documentary as an occasion to plea for re-opening intercountry adoptions from Romania:

February 4, 2008. Those Left Behind. When a country closes to Intercountry Adoption, as Romania did in 2004, its children fall off the international radar screen. But thousands of children go unparented and unprotected. CNN and the Daily Mail (UK) have done a horrific story about trafficked Romanian children, featuring a fourteen year old girl who was sold into slavery by her birth parents when she was nine. Male and female pimps run this evil business which has boomed since Eastern European nations joined the European Union. Now criminals in Romania are reaping millions of dollars in profit sending trafficked children and women to Britain and other rich Western European countries. With an estimated one out of ten British men apparently frequenting prostitutes, the demand is huge. Clearly, the end of ICA in Romania has not brought these victims a better life. More Information.

But guess what.

The Romanian police has investigated the case:
The fourteen year old girl was not fourteen, but twenty-five years old, taken against her will on a 400 km travel.
Yes, by Chris Rogers.

Here the story Chris Rogers did not tell - straight from Romania:

2008 Feb 5